EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Want to build a server
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Want to build a server
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Post #204371 Want to build a server

Please help, I want to own a server but all the documents that let me update lvls for admin commands, drop rates etc... are empty... Is it possible for someone to help me by sending me a fully working version of eoserv 0.7.0 so i have a base to start editing maps items quests etc... ?? All i'm mainly looking for is the original eo base so, i can save alot of time on editing everything.

5 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #204386 Re: Want to build a server

Please look around / use the search button.

You can find multiple 'releases' ready to go! Here is one as well:  https://eoserv.net/forum/topic/24187

CN:BH 4 lyfe
5 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #204388 Re: Want to build a server

That link doesn't work 

5 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #204390 Re: Want to build a server

It works perfectly for me? It just tried downloading the server files? Please elaborate on what isn't working for you exactly please.

CN:BH 4 lyfe
5 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #204425 Re: Want to build a server

all the links in the download link u gave dont work i click them andget a not found page ( Ive contacted callum about this he is sussposed to fix the link.)

5 years, 47 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Want to build a server