What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
What i think of eoserv right now:
A place where trolls waste their time at.
A place where people advertise their products (which don't concern endless in a way).
A place where hackers look for victims to infect them.
A place where serious guys like me that try to improve this community gets their balls grilled.
I mean the eoserv community doesn't concern the eoserv emulator.
We got a fine number of programmers but how many of them even have the source code on their pc.
Even the compiling guide which could be the main reason for introducing new coders, has it's links dead. ---
Remember when is not an organization nor a fucking group , it's simply an idea that we believe in
and live for.
The priority of Remember when should come before oxygen , as oxygen is cosmetic even life itself is
cosmetic,that's why offer our worthless lives to The "Remember when"
11 years, 44 weeks ago

Joined: 10th Feb 2011
Posts: 2283
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
My point is that members should be more interested in the main subject of this community which is the emulator. ---
Remember when is not an organization nor a fucking group , it's simply an idea that we believe in
and live for.
The priority of Remember when should come before oxygen , as oxygen is cosmetic even life itself is
cosmetic,that's why offer our worthless lives to The "Remember when"
11 years, 44 weeks ago

Joined: 10th Feb 2011
Posts: 2283
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
weedindeed posted: (21st May 2013, 11:47 pm)
My point is that members should be more interested in the main subject of this community which is the emulator.
There is a section for that though "Eoserv" and I am sure most people don't even play Eo anymore. The forum is based on a dead game so I wouldn't expect anything less from it.
11 years, 44 weeks ago

Joined: 16th Apr 2010
Posts: 362
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
colbymsn posted: (21st May 2013, 11:51 pm)
weedindeed posted: (21st May 2013, 11:47 pm)
My point is that members should be more interested in the main subject of this community which is the emulator.
There is a section for that though "Eoserv" and I am sure most people don't even play Eo anymore. The forum is based on a dead game so I wouldn't expect anything less from it.
I totally agree with your topic. Idiots like colby only reinforce exactly where you are coming from. If this game is so dead as well as these forums then why are you here? Also who thinks your opinion on dead game evaluation is valid. Have you ever tried to go out and buy yourself a super nes, good
luck. Why? because no matter how old some games get, their will always be an interest and an audience for them. Hell who doesn`t still love a game of good old pac man, or tetris. Dead to you? No problem gtfo, dead to the rest of us? Well thats for the individual to decide, and certainly not this
pompous fool.
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
This shit is called eoserv.net, not forums.net. People fail to realize that the main focus of this site is the eoservers and emulators. Lounge is just a sidething. Like a main quest and a side quest.
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
Altered Bridge posted: (22nd May 2013, 01:04 am)
This shit is called eoserv.net, not forums.net. People fail to realize that the main focus of this site is the eoservers and emulators. Lounge is just a sidething. Like a main quest and a side quest.
Yeah, but once the sub-forum has more topics than the main forum its time to drop it off. ---
Remember when is not an organization nor a fucking group , it's simply an idea that we believe in
and live for.
The priority of Remember when should come before oxygen , as oxygen is cosmetic even life itself is
cosmetic,that's why offer our worthless lives to The "Remember when"
11 years, 44 weeks ago

Joined: 10th Feb 2011
Posts: 2283
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
bone posted: (22nd May 2013, 12:29 am)
colbymsn posted: (21st May 2013, 11:51 pm)
weedindeed posted: (21st May 2013, 11:47 pm)
My point is that members should be more interested in the main subject of this community which is the emulator.
There is a section for that though "Eoserv" and I am sure most people don't even play Eo anymore. The forum is based on a dead game so I wouldn't expect anything less from it.
I totally agree with your topic. Idiots like colby only reinforce exactly where you are coming from. If this game is so dead as well as these forums then why are you here? Also who thinks your opinion on dead game evaluation is valid. Have you ever tried to go out and buy yourself a super nes, good
luck. Why? because no matter how old some games get, their will always be an interest and an audience for them. Hell who doesn`t still love a game of good old pac man, or tetris. Dead to you? No problem gtfo, dead to the rest of us? Well thats for the individual to decide, and certainly not this
pompous fool.
I am still here, because I like the lounge and I enjoy coming here. I do not come here for Eo I come here for the lolz and the amusement and try going on unreal tournament and trying to find a match, because the game is dead. People still play it sure, but they don't play it religiously anymore,
because games get old and boring and new ones come out and people play that. If you are going to go out and buy a snes than good luck with that, because it doesn't matter if you go back and play a game it is still a dead game. That's like me going to a grave and than digging the person up and
saying he is not dead anymore because I seen him. Games come and they go and people go back to them, but if you go back to it than it doesn't mean that it's not dead.
11 years, 43 weeks ago
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
colbymsn posted: (22nd May 2013, 01:25 am)
bone posted: (22nd May 2013, 12:29 am)
colbymsn posted: (21st May 2013, 11:51 pm)
weedindeed posted: (21st May 2013, 11:47 pm)
My point is that members should be more interested in the main subject of this community which is the emulator.
There is a section for that though "Eoserv" and I am sure most people don't even play Eo anymore. The forum is based on a dead game so I wouldn't expect anything less from it.
I totally agree with your topic. Idiots like colby only reinforce exactly where you are coming from. If this game is so dead as well as these forums then why are you here? Also who thinks your opinion on dead game evaluation is valid. Have you ever tried to go out and buy yourself a super nes, good
luck. Why? because no matter how old some games get, their will always be an interest and an audience for them. Hell who doesn`t still love a game of good old pac man, or tetris. Dead to you? No problem gtfo, dead to the rest of us? Well thats for the individual to decide, and certainly not this
pompous fool.
I am still here, because I like the lounge and I enjoy coming here. I do not come here for Eo I come here for the lolz and the amusement and try going on unreal tournament and trying to find a match, because the game is dead. People still play it sure, but they don't play it religiously anymore,
because games get old and boring and new ones come out and people play that. If you are going to go out and buy a snes than good luck with that, because it doesn't matter if you go back and play a game it is still a dead game. That's like me going to a grave and than digging the person up and
saying he is not dead anymore because I seen him. Games come and they go and people go back to them, but if you go back to it than it doesn't mean that it's not dead.
Unless those rare occasions when you're a necromancer and you can raise the dead. ---
Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls
Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
11 years, 43 weeks ago

Joined: 11th Jun 2012
Posts: 528
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
shyt ---
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.†- Albert Einstein
Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
11 years, 43 weeks ago

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Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
11 years, 43 weeks ago

Joined: 2nd Feb 2011
Posts: 332
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
Basically only come here for Stava's arts and a couple others.. and then whatever Moonie posts in the lounge because that's the only thing that's actually interesting.
All great things have battle scars.
11 years, 43 weeks ago

Joined: 29th Jun 2011
Posts: 2293
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
Elaine posted: (22nd May 2013, 08:48 am)
Basically only come here for Stava's arts and a couple others.. and then whatever Moonie posts in the lounge because that's the only thing that's actually interesting.
ur picture would have a popsical in her mouth.
k so
i think EO is dead, i dont even play NOTHIN no more
im just here for the lulz and to piss u guys off xD and to post the ocassional drawin
but i still love u's <3 ---
Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50 |
Attention whore | main player |
11 years, 43 weeks ago

Joined: 11th Aug 2010
Posts: 183
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
colbymsn posted: (22nd May 2013, 01:25 am)
bone posted: (22nd May 2013, 12:29 am)
colbymsn posted: (21st May 2013, 11:51 pm)
weedindeed posted: (21st May 2013, 11:47 pm)
My point is that members should be more interested in the main subject of this community which is the emulator.
There is a section for that though "Eoserv" and I am sure most people don't even play Eo anymore. The forum is based on a dead game so I wouldn't expect anything less from it.
I totally agree with your topic. Idiots like colby only reinforce exactly where you are coming from. If this game is so dead as well as these forums then why are you here? Also who thinks your opinion on dead game evaluation is valid. Have you ever tried to go out and buy yourself a super nes, good
luck. Why? because no matter how old some games get, their will always be an interest and an audience for them. Hell who doesn`t still love a game of good old pac man, or tetris. Dead to you? No problem gtfo, dead to the rest of us? Well thats for the individual to decide, and certainly not this
pompous fool.
I am still here, because I like the lounge and I enjoy coming here. I do not come here for Eo I come here for the lolz and the amusement and try going on unreal tournament and trying to find a match, because the game is dead. People still play it sure, but they don't play it religiously anymore,
because games get old and boring and new ones come out and people play that. If you are going to go out and buy a snes than good luck with that, because it doesn't matter if you go back and play a game it is still a dead game. That's like me going to a grave and than digging the person up and
saying he is not dead anymore because I seen him. Games come and they go and people go back to them, but if you go back to it than it doesn't mean that it's not dead.
i think the EOServ community is stagnating because people are not helping one another.to continue we need both ends to be open source.why hasn't anyone took Hotdogs partial source code and tried to build from there? in the early days of this community people took partially finished software and
worked together to make it what it is now we need this attitude now not the "this game is dead" mentality that quite a few people here carry with them when the log in here. i think also that lounge is the place people come to because they have nothing real or productive to input into this
forum.don't get me wrong i do enjoy some of the topics in Lounge but its highly disconcerting to come here every day and see nothing but people prattling on about things wholly unrelated to this game engine.i enjoy the art forum because at least in there i see people still trying and to some degree
we do have a small amount of EOServ related activity in the other forums we simply need people to stop being so damn negative and try..
@ colby : i think declaring the game dead is foolish.yes the community and development is in a slump mostly due to the limitations of the closed source client.and people have that exact aditude about the game and this comunity in general is what fuels the sence of hopelessness people can get about
it.saying a game is still dead even if people go back to playing it is also a foolish statement.sure you and some others come here only to troll on one another and talk about useless things in Lounge but what about the other people who are trying and want progress for this engine.you have people
like Hotdog who are at least trying to keep it alive realizing the client is the death of this engine. ---
Graphic Artist/pixel artist
( = ̄ェ ̄= )ノ "A Good person can make your day but a bad person can ruin your life~"
11 years, 43 weeks ago

Joined: 29th Jun 2011
Posts: 2293
Re: What do you think of eoserv in the current times?
Xlembros posted: (22nd May 2013, 12:29 pm)
colbymsn posted: (22nd May 2013, 01:25 am)
bone posted: (22nd May 2013, 12:29 am)
colbymsn posted: (21st May 2013, 11:51 pm)
weedindeed posted: (21st May 2013, 11:47 pm)
My point is that members should be more interested in the main subject of this community which is the emulator.
There is a section for that though "Eoserv" and I am sure most people don't even play Eo anymore. The forum is based on a dead game so I wouldn't expect anything less from it.
I totally agree with your topic. Idiots like colby only reinforce exactly where you are coming from. If this game is so dead as well as these forums then why are you here? Also who thinks your opinion on dead game evaluation is valid. Have you ever tried to go out and buy yourself a super nes, good
luck. Why? because no matter how old some games get, their will always be an interest and an audience for them. Hell who doesn`t still love a game of good old pac man, or tetris. Dead to you? No problem gtfo, dead to the rest of us? Well thats for the individual to decide, and certainly not this
pompous fool.
I am still here, because I like the lounge and I enjoy coming here. I do not come here for Eo I come here for the lolz and the amusement and try going on unreal tournament and trying to find a match, because the game is dead. People still play it sure, but they don't play it religiously anymore,
because games get old and boring and new ones come out and people play that. If you are going to go out and buy a snes than good luck with that, because it doesn't matter if you go back and play a game it is still a dead game. That's like me going to a grave and than digging the person up and
saying he is not dead anymore because I seen him. Games come and they go and people go back to them, but if you go back to it than it doesn't mean that it's not dead.
i think the EOServ community is stagnating because people are not helping one another.to continue we need both ends to be open source.why hasn't anyone took Hotdogs partial source code and tried to build from there? in the early days of this community people took partially finished software and
worked together to make it what it is now we need this attitude now not the "this game is dead" mentality that quite a few people here carry with them when the log in here. i think also that lounge is the place people come to because they have nothing real or productive to input into this
forum.don't get me wrong i do enjoy some of the topics in Lounge but its highly disconcerting to come here every day and see nothing but people prattling on about things wholly unrelated to this game engine.i enjoy the art forum because at least in there i see people still trying and to some degree
we do have a small amount of EOServ related activity in the other forums we simply need people to stop being so damn negative and try..
@ colby : i think declaring the game dead is foolish.yes the community and development is in a slump mostly due to the limitations of the closed source client.and people have that exact aditude about the game and this comunity in general is what fuels the sence of hopelessness people can get about
it.saying a game is still dead even if people go back to playing it is also a foolish statement.sure you and some others come here only to troll on one another and talk about useless things in Lounge but what about the other people who are trying and want progress for this engine.you have people
like Hotdog who are at least trying to keep it alive realizing the client is the death of this engine.
i think ur a very intellegent person who uses very intellegent words, and im not trollin, thats probly the most smartest thing ive hear anyone say.
but come on, the game is dead, the real game is nothing but botting. trying to recreate the good ol' days on eo is impossible, it will never be the same, and it will never get better. Eo's progress stopped a very long time ago.
im not trying to be a downer or a negative nelly im just being realistic. ---
Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50 |
Attention whore | main player |
11 years, 43 weeks ago
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |