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EOSERV 0.6.1
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Post #162927 EOSERV 0.6.1

Warning: Distribution of this release of EOSERV is restricted under the requirements of the GPLv2. The source code used to build it is available from http://files.eoserv.net/source/

A small update to EOSERV to fix a few things:

  • The quest-related problems listed at the bottom of the announcement for 0.6.0 have been fixed
  • Some new quest functions listed on the Quest Reference page
  • if/else support for quests (example below)
  • Sending of pub/map files over 32.7kb works correctly
  • A few various small fixes

This is the first version using a newer version of libMySQL, so report any issues.

if/else example:

if IsGender(0) GiveItem(146) // Leather Armour
else           GiveItem(143) // Scale Armour

12 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #162977 Re: EOSERV 0.6.1

would this have fixed the quest error - disconneting when finishing a quest using the function End()?

or would we still need to just make an empty function titled end?

"With your feet steady and firm on the ground soar high and ignore limitations"  -Bladex
EOSERV Class : Pixel Artist, Grammar Nazi, Server Owner, Mapping Artist, Server Coder, Test Player,
The Game Maker
12 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #162992 Re: EOSERV 0.6.1
Bladex posted: (3rd Sep 2012, 04:26 am)

would this have fixed the quest error - disconneting when finishing a quest using the function End()?

or would we still need to just make an empty function titled end?

Yes, it's fixed.
12 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #162993 Re: EOSERV 0.6.1

NVM, problem solved :) Great release!

12 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #163018 Re: EOSERV 0.6.1

Nice release. This can be used to perform much more interactive quests.


12 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #167003 Re: EOSERV 0.6.1

If only there where an action called: spawnNpc(id) or something would be great. You would make your quest like "read the book" and a Boss would spawn in front of you ready to kill you.

12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #167006 Re: EOSERV 0.6.1
daytaurato posted: (8th Oct 2012, 06:39 pm)

If only there where an action called: spawnNpc(id) or something would be great. You would make your quest like "read the book" and a Boss would spawn in front of you ready to kill you.

Hmm good idea, I might add something similar to EOSource. Why not add that yourself though? It's not hard to do.

EDIT: You realise 0.6.2 is released right :P?
12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #167018 Re: EOSERV 0.6.1
Hollows posted: (8th Oct 2012, 06:52 pm)

Hmm good idea, I might add something similar to EOSource. Why not add that yourself though? It's not hard to do.

EDIT: You realise 0.6.2 is released right :P?

Yea i know there is a 0.6.2. Just fount it more reasonable to post it here cause of the quest reference that is on the same topic. Dont know why, it looked right to me.
My coding knowledge stops on some lessons i had on college in Pascal and some Basic i read by my self to help me with MS Access. Not familiar at all with c++, neither with eoserv and compiling and stuff. Plus dont have the time to start learning now. Just thought it would be a nice action when you combine with the other. Could make a wonderfull quest.
12 years, 27 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EOSERV 0.6.1