Joined: 6th Apr 2009
Posts: 2271
Re: help me
Most people wont play on a hamachi server, its to much work for eo.. but here's a guide about setting up hamachi:
This guide is from Exile:https://eoserv.net/forum/topic/1554
Part 2b: This part is for those
of you who cant port forward. This is annoying and if you dont like it then you shouldnt have a server because this is your last resort. Hamachi
-> Download Click download on the
window's one (Note: Anyone who wants to connect to your server will require hamachi) Run
"HamachiSetup-" Press Next Click "I accept the
agreement" Click Next Click
Next Click Next Click
Next Click Install Click
Next Click Finish Click the Power button
(Its on the bottom left corner of hamachi) Create a nickname Click the triangle (Its
the first button to the right of the power button) Click "Create a new network" Create a network name
(Generally this would be the name of your server) Create a network password (What ever you wish) (For anyone to connect
they must have hamachi and must login to you server using the "networkname" & "network password" you created)
13 years, 1 week ago
Re: help me
Hamachi is not a good way to run a sever... It does work, but for people to connect to your server you have to get them to download hamachi.(Witch is kind of a hard thing to do xD) But if/when you get someone to download it you can only have
like10 people/ids in your hamachi list at a time. So unless you just want something for you and a friend or w/e its great. But if you want to attempt having a successful sever you should first Learn to portfoward theres prob 10k+ topics about that.. And Second move as far away
asyou can from seose and run screaming to eoserv or one of the other good revs.
Free your mind
13 years, 1 week ago
Re: help me
i have tried the portforward but i did not find my router
it is a thomson06ef55
13 years, 1 week ago
Joined: 30th Jun 2010
Posts: 2064
Re: help me
Lol @ the topic name "help me"
Rule 2.1: Topics should have a descriptive subject line. (not "help me" or "hey guys read this")
13 years, 1 week ago
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