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Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!
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Post #103517 Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!

Well, last time I was writing a guide for this. It took me about 30 minutes then I accidently clicked a link and lost everything ! D: but anyways:

In my last tutorial on Making a FUN EOSERV to play is how to make a fun EOSERV & not Seose, so I decided to make thsi guide because i've seen many people using Seose servers because possibly EOSERV is to difficult or they don't like it.

If you don't know how to setup a Seose server you can learn it here, if you don't know how to PortForward for your Seose server you can learn that here! Or search one of the many guides on YouTube for portforwarding and found something useful like this.

Once you've setup everything correctly, you're ready to start making the server fun! The first thing to do is learning about your Seose.xini , there are many things you can change in this file that can make your server fun! The first thing you'll need to do to just start off is the name, in your Seose.xini do CTRL + F and type Name and obviously you probably won't want your server to be named Untitled Seose Server, so you can change it to whatever you want, try to make it a cool name so people will join!

People probably don't like low drop rates, you can change the rates by doing CTRL + F and type rates that should look like this:

      Exp   = 100      /* % Experience gain rate */
      Drop  = 100      /* % Drop chance */
      Regen = 100      /* % Max HP to regenerate every regen event */
      Skill = 3        /* Skill points awarded for leveling */
      Stat  = 3        /* Stat points awarded for leveling */
      Buy   = 50       /* % Of the sell cost a shop keeper will buy an item back */
      Sleep = 100      /* % Of gold per HP point needed to sleep at an inn */

Change the Exp = to something you want, if you're using original maps and pub drops etc, then you'll probably will want to make it something around a thousand. But for rates you can also do them customly one at a time, you can do that with EditPub you will be able to find a guide for that here.

Also people won't want to get 3 statsperlevel, you can change Stat = 3 and Skill = 3 to something you like, but players like it a bit higher. You can change it to what you want but not too high! If I were you I would change it from 5-10 but it always depends on the rates.

Player's won't want it to take forever to kill a NPC. So maybe make the NPC's health a bit lower or make your attack higher by default! You can do this by doing:

MinDamage = 5

MaxDamage = 10

Instert that into >> Users >> Default.xini then right under this:

  MaxHP     = 10
  MaxTP     = 10
  MaxSP     = 100
  MaxWeight = 60

So it would end up looking like;

  MaxHP     = 10
  MaxTP     = 10
  MaxSP     = 100
  MaxWeight = 60

  MinDamage = 5

  MaxDamage = 10

You can also do many other things in default.xini as in making an all admin server, which probably won't be the best because those servers aren't very fun in my opinion, but if you wish then do it, but try to make it fun! By doing default admin under the


Add in under it Admin = 3 or whatever you want people's admin level to start with. So in the end it should look like so:

  ClassID = 1

  Admin = 3

Now this:

  Map = 1
  X   = 9
  Y   = 21

Is where the characters first start, where they spawn when they first join the server. You can change the location to where ever you want, as long as that position exists. In game you can do #loc and it'll tell you the exact location you're standing on. 

For example I type #loc and it says 5 47 47, that would mean map ID 5, X 47, y 47. Then you could change that into the [location] then players would join there!

The papperdoll is what players have equipted when they first join, for example.

Paperdoll = "121,0,0,0,151,0,0,0,27,0,0,0,0,0,0"

Change those ID's to what you want them to start with.

You find this out by equipting the items in-game what you want them to start with, restart the server, and look at your papperdoll in users >> look for your name and go to the papperdoll and copy & paste it into the default.xini papperdoll!

The basics of making the server is fun is almost the same as the EOSERV Guide, you just need custom maps, items, and a few more things. Players tend to like higher EXP rates, too high people will love them, but it WILL get old after a while. So don't make it to easy nor too hard and most likely players will love it. Too hard will probably make them quit, to easy they'll love but it WILL get boring after a while!

Never hire to many admins, and don't hire people for joining first haha. When you hire admins make sure they're talented. and don't hire moderators in less you actually have players to moderate.

Reading the Seose.xini will help lot's so you'll know what to do in it. Once you've fully understand it you'll soon become a pro! Anyways I hope this guide helped you! :D

13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #103538 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!

so you are of the opinion that 5k xp goats and monty haul type drop rates is what makes a server good?

Beware of your thoughts, they become your words. Beware of your words, they become your actions.
Beware of your actions, they become your habits. Beware of your habits, they become your character.
Beware of your character, it becomes your destiny.
- Unknown
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #103539 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!

I haven't read the whole story. but seose is a closed source and not suggested. Use EOserv

13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #103543 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!
Hollow posted: (9th Sep 2011, 08:16 pm)

I haven't read the whole story. but seose is a closed source and not suggested. Use EOserv

its not closed source if you have the source from before sordie removed it. hint hint hint
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #103546 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!
dijirocks posted: (9th Sep 2011, 08:20 pm)

Hollow posted: (9th Sep 2011, 08:16 pm)

I haven't read the whole story. but seose is a closed source and not suggested. Use EOserv

its not closed source if you have the source from before sordie removed it. hint hint hint

you with your hint hint hint. that was a really old source + pretty useless because you probably were unable to compile it. hint hint hint <.<
opensource isometric game engine ~ www.avac-engine.blogspot.com
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #103548 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!

probably except it had the binaries if i remember, maybe im wrong ill check a flash drive later to see but im sure it did

13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #103641 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!
Redrocco posted: (9th Sep 2011, 08:16 pm)

so you are of the opinion that 5k xp goats and monty haul type drop rates is what makes a server good?

Lol if you read more then a few words you'd know that I didn't say that.
And Hollow, not everyone likes to use EOSERV nor know how to use it.
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #104132 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!


13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #104151 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!
dijirocks posted: (9th Sep 2011, 08:28 pm)

probably except it had the binaries if i remember, maybe im wrong ill check a flash drive later to see but im sure it did

Okay who gives a shit if you did, what are you going to do with it? If you have it why not give it out to  everyone else, could be something else for us coders to do.

Unless you don't really have it? hint hint hint.
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #104165 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!

You see, to me. i like servers where its hard to work for things. servers where you get 2500 exp for killing a pig is just a joke.

Why am I still here...
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #104313 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!
pickupstixx posted: (11th Sep 2011, 10:08 pm)

You see, to me. i like servers where its hard to work for things. servers where you get 2500 exp for killing a pig is just a joke.

The funny thing is there are plenty of servers out there that are hard to work for yet no one plays them even though they say they like servers like that. But nope, people just go play other servers like BU. I also tried to explain not to put too much EXP like that, but original EXP rates would be a bit to stupid because most people out there enjoy high EXP rates which is annoying.
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #105110 Re: Understanding Seose & Making it Fun!
lolss posted: (12th Sep 2011, 07:49 pm)

pickupstixx posted: (11th Sep 2011, 10:08 pm)

You see, to me. i like servers where its hard to work for things. servers where you get 2500 exp for killing a pig is just a joke.

The funny thing is there are plenty of servers out there that are hard to work for yet no one plays them even though they say they like servers like that. But nope, people just go play other servers like BU. I also tried to explain not to put too much EXP like that, but original EXP rates would bea bit to stupid because most people out there enjoy high EXP rates which is annoying.

Hey Lols, It's japanese. I was wondering can you make me a EOserv? I'll still be working for your server. I just want to try out a project.
13 years, 19 weeks ago
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