EOSERV Forum > Seose > kalandra
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Post #100247 kalandra

hey can someone tell me what kalandra is and/or how to use it? thanks


13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100250 Re: kalandra

i think thats som1's name =/ or some program

13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100251 Re: kalandra


Knock yourself out.

"Pineapples and shit."
13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100252 Re: kalandra

I think its a program =/

13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100253 Re: kalandra
eternity posted: (29th Aug 2011, 12:36 pm)

I think its a program =/


It's most likely termed as "Software".

If you can't provide any usefull information on the question, then please go to the Lounge section.
"Pineapples and shit."
13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100254 Re: kalandra

sorry =/ but my 1st post was correct =3

13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100423 Re: kalandra

Ananas that really didnt help sorry, it just said that there is a new rivision. It did not tell me how to use it.

13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100429 Re: kalandra

read the source, you learn a lot that way ;)

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100431 Re: kalandra

still didnt help. all that it is is wierd character stuff? Deos someone really know how like sordie. Can she tell me?

13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100435 Re: kalandra

well the files are handled in a similar way to seose so you don't have to mess around with a database :P
I haven't used kalandra in a very long time but these are a few commands I remember
=name.faction=n <- Changes your faction, if it's different to another players faction you can pk :P
=name.setmob(n) followed by
=name.mob.locomotor=3 <-gives you a pet
I'm sure there's some people that know a few more :L

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100437 Re: kalandra

i dont know what the heck that was. I just want to know WHAT kalandra IS and HOW to Use it.

13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100438 Re: kalandra

It's endless online server emulation software and I just told you how to use it.

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100442 Re: kalandra

Kalandra is (was) an open source EO server with server side scripting. It was really aimed at people that already have programming knowledge. It's scripting engine made some fun things possible but I spent so much time on the scripting engine I neglected some other important core code =S

I abandoned it for a few reasons:

  • It has major thread safety issues that can cause deadlocks. I implemented no spin locks on data access.
  • The evaluator in the scripting engine became really bloated and inefficient because I didn't p-code/vm anything.
  • I should have used RTTI rather than the horrid coded dispatch type info.
  • I lost the latest source code and a lot of the project was lost.
  • I became more interested in developing MEOW - a tiny base server for developing mini games using the EO client.

Just a little "unknown Sordie EO server history" note: I later started to rewrite MEOW - removing the standard EO packet handlers, added basic packet CRC and encryption and started to write a whole new client for it. Maybe now I have a bit of spare weekend time I'll start working on it again. ;]

13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100448 Re: kalandra

You can learn more here.

13 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #100451 Re: kalandra

Well I'm not going to lie I had an awful lot of fun playing with Kalandra, I didn't really go through the source that much when I was using it because that was before I started college and before I learnt any pascal, 6 months later I'm making my own little command prompt games. Steady progress :P I'm sure I'll go over the kalandra source at some point, although MEOW v1 would probably be a better, more simpler starting point to try and understand how things work from a server point of view in pascal :p I've been trying to learn client/server interaction with not a great deal of success but I'm sure I'll be able to use some of what you've done to nudge me in the right direction ^^

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
13 years, 30 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > kalandra