EOSERV Forum > Seose > Kalandra [UPDATED]
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Kalandra [UPDATED]
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Post #35456 Kalandra [UPDATED]

As you may already know. I had a big set back when I lost the Kalandra source code. I managed to recover an older version that I'd given to Sausage but a lot of work was still lost.

So here is a quick update on the status of things:

Seose is dead. Don't expect r8, ever! It was never written to go much further than it has and continuing with it is just a waste of time. I've never really liked it much.

I'm releasing Kalandra in its current state in a hope that people will use it as a base for their own server software. Although very incomplete, it has some nice core features (namely the evaluator) So feel free to take the source code and turn it into your own server software. All I ask is that you give me some credit. Something like "Based on Kalandra by Sordie" would be nice =D
I'll still add new features and fix bugs and help anyone serious about making their own software but most of my time will be spend on new projects like EOSERV#

Happy coding. Have fun

Main:   http://sordie.co.uk/downloads/Kalandra/Kalandra.zip
Mirror: http://sordie.co.cc/Kalandra.zip


This is not a Kalandra forum. Please stop making new posts about new "commands" you have found. All Kalandra posts will be deleted.

It has been released for programmers, not people that want to casually run a private server. If you can't figure out how to use it from the source code then you really aren't going to get much out of it than EOSERV or Seose.

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35457 Re: Kalandra

Great thanks Sordie!! :)

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35458 Re: Kalandra

Awesome can't wait to use this. Great work. :}

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35461 Re: Kalandra

Thanks a lot.You gotta love sordie. :D

I`m sorry to hear about seose though. :(

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35463 Re: Kalandra

how do we do the commands? I dont see a config file...

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35464 Re: Kalandra

Looking at the source right now, looks great!

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35465 Re: Kalandra

it wont let me edit the other post but how are we supposed to do pubs and maps? And making the gcf files?

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35470 Re: Kalandra
Guest posted: (6th Apr 2010 05:07 pm)

it wont let me edit the other post but how are we supposed to do pubs and maps? And making the gcf files?

Everything you need to do can be figured out by either looking at the source code or the example data provided.

If you can't figure it out from that then why are you using Kalandra? It's not released as a game server; ready for you to use. It's released as a base for you to program your own server.

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35476 Re: Kalandra

Is ther any way to convert my pubs to your data files format?

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35478 Re: Kalandra

Not really... What I think its pretty impossible... Expect if Sordie have somekind super hyper converter :D

Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35479 Re: Kalandra

It wouldn't be impossible, it would be pretty pointless though.

Kalandra manages its ID's very differently from regular EO/Seose/EOSERV. You'd probably want to go and edit them all by hand to take advantage of this anyway.

Also, to add some of the cool evaluator effects to items you'd be editing items by hand.

All in all. Make new items from scratch so you can support all the features.

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35486 Re: Kalandra

 Thank you sordie.

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35487 Re: Kalandra
Sordie posted: (6th Apr 2010 07:09 pm)

It wouldn't be impossible, it would be pretty pointless though.

Kalandra manages its ID's very differently from regular EO/Seose/EOSERV. You'd probably want to go and edit them all by hand to take advantage of this anyway.

Also, to add some of the cool evaluator effects to items you'd be editing items by hand.

All in all. Make new items from scratch so you can support all the features.

I just said pretty not totally impossible, its possible if you code the program what reads the pub and converts it part by part to text file...
Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35495 Re: Kalandra

Is there a way to open the files "Items.pas" or KalandraCore.Cfg" ? if so can you post an answer to a link or a program name?

14 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #35496 Re: Kalandra
Guest posted: (6th Apr 2010 11:09 pm)

Is there a way to open the files "Items.pas" or KalandraCore.Cfg" ? if so can you post an answer to a link or a program name?


14 years, 51 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Kalandra [UPDATED]