Bug #423: Prevent or create configurable default value for non existant NPC's
ID | #423 |
Submitter | insomniac |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 26th Jul 2016 |
Updated | 26th Jul 2016 |

"Not sure if this would be considered a bug or feature request so I placed it here under normal severity"
I'm not sure if this is a feature main had implemented but I think it would be decent to prevent or create configurable default value's for non existant NPC's. The only problem I have found from this issue is a client side glitch which basicly makes a map with an inrange non existant NPC unusable and kills the client.
I think adding the check in Map.cpp on line 603
if (!this->world->enf->Get(npc_id))
Console::Wrn("An NPC spawn on map %i uses a non-existent NPC (#%i at %ix%i)", this->id, npc_id, x, y);
//easiest way is to just skip the NPC.. continue;
//or short default_id = static_cast<int>(this->world->config["InvalidNPCID"])
if(default_id > 0)
npc_id = default_id;
Console::Wrn("Default NPC spawn on map %i uses a non-existent NPC (#%i at %ix%i)", this->id, npc_id, x, y);
// whatever... continue;
Could possible do the same thing with chests.
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