Bug #378: $request can cause state loss for logged on characters
ID | #378 |
Submitter | Sausage |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Status | CLOSED, FIXED |
Submitted | 19th Aug 2015 |
Updated | 20th Aug 2015 |
Rev# | Date | Description |
r483 | 20 Aug 2015 20:00:18 UTC | Fix state loss on failed quest reload (bug #378) |

If a quest is unloaded due to $request (potentially due to a syntax error or other exception), all online characters lose their current state for that quest. There might be other situations which cause state loss here too.

Fixed in r483.
Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED
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Please log in to add comments. EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #378: $request can cause state loss for logged on characters