EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #30: Load "hidden" value from character database

Bug #30: Load "hidden" value from character database

Load "hidden" value from character database
ID #30
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 5th Sep 2012
Updated 9th Aug 2015
Related SVN Revisions
Rev# Date Description
r461 09 Aug 2015 22:20:02 UTC Persist admin hide flag in database (bug #30), add flags for npc ignore, warp bubbles, online ...
Apollo Submitter 11 years, 48 weeks ago

Store the "hidden" value to the character database to be loaded for the Welcome packet at login allowing admin to log on under the mode of "hidden" in which they logged off.


Sausage Developer 11 years, 48 weeks ago

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Sausage Developer 11 years, 48 weeks ago

Requires a change to the database, so it would be nice if it could detect if the field was available and disable/warn the feature if it's not.

Sausage Developer 8 years, 51 weeks ago

Done in r461.

Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

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