Bug #299: Admin Spawning NPC boss may result in a crash.
ID | #299 |
Submitter | Apollo |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Critical |
Status | CLOSED, FIXED |
Submitted | 28th Mar 2014 |
Updated | 7th Sep 2014 |
Rev# | Date | Description |
r428 | 07 Sep 2014 14:27:25 UTC | Prevent problems caused by spawning multiple boss NPCs on a map (bug #299) |

I have confirmed spawning a "Parent" type temp NPC on a map with map placed "Parent" and "Children" NPC's will result in a server crash. This should be avoided until a fix is applied.

It's because the children are still holding pointers to the boss which has been deleted because it's temporary. They're pointing to data which is no longer there. Something like a foreach that clears the pointers for parent if it matches the boss before the boss is deleted should fix it.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Fixed in r428
Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED
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