EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #292: Action Queue client disconnect message flood

Bug #292: Action Queue client disconnect message flood

Action Queue client disconnect message flood
ID #292
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 17th Feb 2014
Updated 18th Aug 2015
Related SVN Revisions
Rev# Date Description
r469 18 Aug 2015 00:03:23 UTC Prevent processing actions of disconnected players (bug #292)
Apollo Submitter 10 years, 24 weeks ago

If by some means via lag or attempted speeding in which the action queue is filled by the client, the server console window will spam warning message until the client is properly disconnected. A solution should be made to only activate the message once prior to disconnecting the client.


Sausage Developer 10 years, 24 weeks ago

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Sausage Developer 8 years, 50 weeks ago

Fixed in r469.

Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

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