EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #228: Friend list reply broken

Bug #228: Friend list reply broken

Friend list reply broken
ID #228
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 22nd Mar 2013
Updated 22nd Mar 2013
Related SVN Revisions
Rev# Date Description
r381 22 Mar 2013 07:22:56 UTC Fix friends list reply (bug #228)
Sausage Submitter
11 years, 32 weeks ago

Too much data is sent on friends list request, should only be a list of names, rather than the full online list info. Causes the friends list to show people offline sometimes.


Sausage Submitter
11 years, 32 weeks ago

And... fixed in r381

Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

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