Bug #186: subloc should not be in the equipt/unequipt packet
ID | #186 |
Submitter | Ryouken |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Status | CLOSED, FIXED |
Submitted | 23rd Nov 2012 |
Updated | 25th Nov 2012 |
Rev# | Date | Description |
r377 | 25 Nov 2012 11:20:44 UTC | Get rid of sound effect when equipping something in a secondary accessory slot (bug #186) |

The packet that updates a character's look to everyone nearby shouldn't have subloc in it. The value for that part of the packet should always be 1, otherwise it will just send a sound to people nearby. (the sound might have been to notify admins perhaps?) Heres the packet im talking about:
// TODO: Only send this if they change a viewable item
PacketBuilder builder(PACKET_AVATAR, PACKET_AGREE, 14);
builder.AddChar(subloc); <- This part right here should always be 1. I don't think it was meant for subloc o.o
EIF_Data* wep = character->world->eif->Get(character->paperdoll[Character::Weapon]);
if (wep->subtype == EIF::TwoHanded && wep->dual_wield_dollgraphic)

Oh, I forgot to mention it only sends the sound when someone equips in subloc 2 because if the value of that part of the packet is anywhere above 1, it sends a sounds to any players who get the packet.

Haha nice find, i always thought that was a bit funny when i'd hear a random ping sound when somebody equipped a ring, i believe it also could cause a bug where your unable to equip belts properly for the first time.

Because for some reason when i try to equip a belt by double clicking, it says You already have this item equipped when i don't even have any belt equipped.

Changing it to 1 will make the sound occur for any item such as boots, armors etc. And i'm pretty sure this should only happen with rings, braclets.

This can be fixed with a simple boolean that only sends the packet to surrounding players if the visible armor is updated. It was noted with a TODO comment but probably long forgotted since it was not added to the bug list.

Probably correct. As far as I know, that sound never got used on EO. Not sure what its intended use was.
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Sound disabled in r377, marked all the points that trigger it with a comment.
Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED
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