Bug #150: util::ucfirst does not capitalize 'a' or 'z'
ID | #150 |
Submitter | Ryouken |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Status | CLOSED, FIXED |
Submitted | 8th Oct 2012 |
Updated | 8th Oct 2012 |
Rev# | Date | Description |
r359 | 08 Oct 2012 02:55:01 UTC | Fix util::ucfirst not capitalizing words starting with 'a' or 'z' (bug #150), Make all util f ... |

util::uppercase does not make 'a' capital. It works on all other letters as far as I know, just not the letter 'a'.

It's ucfirst that has the problem, and I thought that was fixed a few years ago...
It's the letters 'a' and 'z', by the way.
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Yea, i just noticed I was talking about ucfirst, my bad. ;o

Oh, also. sorry about double posting, but would this work?
if (subject[0] >= 'a' && subject[0] <= 'z')
subject[0] += 'A' - 'a';

Yep, that'd do it. A few other problems in the general area to fix as well...

The fix you remember was telling me for the case of first letter caps which is only officially used by weddings. May as well fix that as well if it is seperate.

No, the fix I remember was fixing it years ago, and loads of things use ucfirst.

Fixed in r359
Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED
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