EOSERV Wiki > Page: PACKET SPELL > History > Revision Diff

Revision Diff: PACKET SPELL

Revision by at 12th Feb 2011 01:19 am
This is a packet family that is used to send/receive packets about Spells.
== Server-to-Client ==
=== PACKET_REQUEST (1) ===
Description: Shows the spell name over the players head
Caster ID: 2
Spell ID: 2
=== PACKET_CAST_SELF (30) ===
Description: Shows the player healing himself
Caster ID: 2
Spell ID: 2
Heal Amount: 4
Caster Health Percent: 1
This below is only added if it is being sent to the victim
HP: 2
TP: 2
=== PACKET_REPLY (3) ===
Description: Shows the player casting a spell and updates the players HP & TP
Spell ID: 2
HP: 2
TP: 2
Description: Shows another player casting a spell on another player
Victim ID: 2
Caster ID: 2
Caster Direction: 1
Spell ID: 2
Health Amount: 4
Health Percent: 1
Victim HP: 2
=== PACKET_EXP (33) ===
Description: Shows a player casting a spell and a list of players being healed
Spell ID: 2
Caster ID: 2
Caster TP: 2
Heal Amount: 2
Caster ID: 2
Caster Health Percent: 1
Caster HP: 2
255: 1
255: 1
255: 1
255: 1
255: 1
Member ID: 2
Member Health Percent: 1
Member HP: 2
== Client-to-Server ==
=== PACKET_REQUEST (1) ===
Description: Player requesting to cast a spell
Spell ID: 2
=== PACKET_CAST_SELF (30) ===
Description: Player casting a self spell
Direction: 1
Spell ID: 2
=== PACKET_CAST_OTHER (31) ===
Description: Player casting a spell on another person/npc
Cast Type: 1
Timestamp: 3
Spell ID: 2
Victim ID: 2
Cast Type options:
* 1 = Casting on a player
* 2 = Casting on an NPC
=== PACKET_EXP (33) ===
Description: Player casting a group spell
Spell ID: 2
EOSERV Wiki > Page: PACKET SPELL > History > Revision Diff