EOSERV Wiki > Page: PACKET LAW > History > Revision Diff

Revision Diff: PACKET LAW

Revision by at 11th Feb 2011 11:56 pm
This is a packet family that is used to send/receive packets about Law.
== Server-to-Client ==
Description: Shows the player a message box
MessageID: 1
Message ID Options:
* 1 = "You cannot marry anyone because you already have a partner."
* 2 = "You cannot divorce because you do not have any partner"
* 3 = "Your public records have been changed by the registration service."
* 4 = "You have not enough coins."
* 5 = "The name you entered doesn't match with your partner."
* 6 = "The registration service is curently too busy to complete your request."
* 7 = "Your partner has requested a divorce, you are no longer married."
Description: Opens up the law menu
Session Token: 4
== Client-to-Server ==
Description: Player requesting a marriage or divorce
LawAction: 1
Session Token: 4
Unknown: 1
Partner: String
LawAction Options:
* 1 = Marriage
* 2 = Divorce
Description: Player talking to a lawyer
EOSERV Wiki > Page: PACKET LAW > History > Revision Diff