EOSERV Wiki > Page: SQLite Library > History > Revision Diff

Revision Diff: SQLite Library

Revision by at 6th Feb 2015 10:04 am
These are custom-packaged distributions of the [[http://www.sqlite.org/|SQLite]] library for MinGW to support building EOSERV on 32-bit Windows. They differ from the official releases in that they contain pre-compiled libraries.
There is no guarantee that the latest version will be available here. If you require the latest version, see [[SQLite_Library_Method]] for generating your own.
These archives are released to the public domain, and I disclaim all warranty. Use at your own risk.
== SQLite for MinGW ==
This is the latest version of this distribution.
* [[http://files.eoserv.net/third-party/sqlite-lib-win32-x86-3080802.zip|sqlite-lib-win32-x86-3080802.zip]] - MinGW static library
* [[http://files.eoserv.net/third-party/sqlite-dll-lib-win32-x86-3080802.zip|sqlite-dll-lib-win32-x86-3080802.zip]] - MinGW shared library for the win32 DLL
EOSERV Wiki > Page: SQLite Library > History > Revision Diff