I'm quite surprised that this forum is still so active, and private servers are still being set up today. Here's a link showing the number of posts per month since the forum was created (note the y-axis is not the same scale on each graph):
[[http://eoserv.net/forum_post_stats/year.html|Forum Post Stats]]
Over the lifetime of the forum, mid-2011 is where the forum activity peaked, followed by a similarly large peak with the release of 0.5.4 and 0.6.0.
Somehow, right now in these last couple of months, we've bounced to significantly above average activity.
<b>January 1st 2013:</b> EOSERV DEAD
Eoserv is now dead due to end of world. (or end of sausage logging online)
<b>Jan 2, 2013:</b> Sausage is BACK.
Sausage changed [[http://eoserv.net/privacy|Privacy Policy]] and [[http://eoserv.net/wwwterms|Terms of Service]].
<b>Jan 2, 2013:</b> Desmond hacked Sausage's account. o.o
<b>June 2, 2013:</b> Sausage logs in to update [[http://eoserv.net/wwwterms|Terms of Service]]
<b>June 15, 2013:</b> EOSERV Forums read only and SLN redirected to Rakuhana
[[http://oi44.tinypic.com/14l34v4.jpg|Click Here for image]] [[http://oi44.tinypic.com/14l34v4.jpg|Click Here for image]]
<b>January 1st, 2014:</b> EOSERV slowly coming back to life due to limitations discovered when using closed source <i>eosource.</i> |