EOSERV Wiki > Page: How to change player spawn point when they die > History > Revision Diff

Revision Diff: How to change player spawn point when they die

Revision by at 3rd Jan 2013 09:11 pm
Go to the data folder, then home file, use the example for the rest
Go to the data folder located in the eoserv or eosource (If you are using it, because I know there are a lot of people on eoserv using eosource), then find home.ini, use the example for the rest (the example for the Wanderer home), The first line is their home, you can set their home through a quest like a tutorial quest. Second is map and co-ords. third is the level, I suggest putting it to zero.
Edited by: LegendaryG
EOSERV Wiki > Page: How to change player spawn point when they die > History > Revision Diff