EOSERV Wiki > Page: History > History > Revision Diff

Revision Diff: History

Revision by at 15th Aug 2012 03:49 pm
<b>Eoserv History</b>
March 2009: The month EOSERV 0.2.0, 0.3.0 and 0.4.0 were released (amounting to a multi-player social dress-up game). "ENDL097.png" and "ENDL098.png" were taken just 4 days before the release of 0.2.0
<b>March 2009:</b> The month EOSERV 0.2.0, 0.3.0 and 0.4.0 were released (amounting to a multi-player social dress-up game). "ENDL097.png" and "ENDL098.png" were taken just 4 days before the release of 0.2.0
June 2009: (big_event.png) As it says on the box. The biggest group of people on a private server I'd ever seen at the time, I believe.
<b>June 2009:</b> (big_event.png) As it says on the box. The biggest group of people on a private server I'd ever seen at the time, I believe.
July 2009: EOSERV 0.5.0 which finally added all the vital game features (combat, banks, shops)
<b>July 2009:</b> EOSERV 0.5.0 which finally added all the vital game features (combat, banks, shops)
December 2011: EOSERV 0.5.4 (which should have been named 0.6.0) added a lot of extra features (most notably, spells)
<b>December 2011:</b> EOSERV 0.5.4 (which should have been named 0.6.0) added a lot of extra features (most notably, spells)
February 2012: EOSERV 0.6.0 added quests
<b>February 2012:</b> EOSERV 0.6.0 added quests
EOSERV Wiki > Page: History > History > Revision Diff