EOSERV Wiki > Page: Compiling EOSERV > History > Revision Diff

Revision Diff: Compiling EOSERV

Revision by at 17th Jan 2012 01:41 pm
Download the following programs and files if you don't have them already.<br />
* [[http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26|Code::Blocks]] IDE (without MinGW, latest version)<br />
* [[http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download|TDM-GCC]] compiler (bundle installer with SJLJ, latest version)<br />
* [[http://ducci.nl/eoserv/neededfiles.zip|Needed files]]<br />
Download the following programs and files if you don't have them already.
* [[http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26|Code::Blocks]] IDE (without MinGW, latest version)
* [[http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download|TDM-GCC]] compiler (bundle installer with SJLJ, latest version)
* [[http://ducci.nl/eoserv/neededfiles.zip|Needed files]]
Go to the '''Linker''' tab. Add '''"..\lib"'''.<br />
Go to the '''Linker''' tab. Add '''"..\lib"'''.
In the upper left corner, select a build target from the drop down menu.<br />
In the upper left corner, select a build target from the drop down menu.
Go to the '''Build''' menu and select '''Build'''.<br />
Go to the '''Build''' menu and select '''Build'''.
EOSERV Wiki > Page: Compiling EOSERV > History > Revision Diff