EOSERV Wiki > Page: Admin Commands > History > Revision Diff

Revision Diff: Admin Commands

Revision by at 13th Jan 2012 11:55 pm
The admin level required for each of these commands can be set in [[admin.ini]].
Some commands can be typed partially (e.g. $w instead of $warp, or $k instead of $kick)
=== Informational Commands ===
* '''$info ''character''''' - Displays basic info about an online character (stats etc.)
* '''$inventory ''character''''' - Shows the contents of an online character's inventory
* '''$uptime''' - Shows how long since the server started
=== Map/Player Control Commands ===
* '''$kick ''character''''' - Kicks a player from the server. They can log back in immediately
* '''$skick ''character''''' - Same as $kick, but without a server announcement
* '''$jail ''character''''' - Warps a player to the jail specified in the server configuration
* '''$sjail ''character''''' - Same as $jail, but without a server announcement
* '''$ban ''character time''''' - Kicks a player from the server and prevents them logging back in for the specified time. Example time values are: 5m, 1h, 2w, forever
* '''$sban ''character time''''' - Same as $ban, but without a server announcement
* '''$mute ''character''''' - Stops a character from being able to talk for 90 seconds
* '''$smute ''character''''' - Same as $mute, but without a server announcement
* '''$warp ''map x y''''' - Warps you to the specified map and coordinates
* '''$warpmeto ''character''''' - Warps you to an online character's position
* '''$warptome ''character''''' - Warps an online character to your position
* '''$hide''' - Hides you from the online player list and map. Say again to deactivate
* '''$evacuate''' - Evacuates the map, jailing non-admins who don't leave before 30 seconds
* '''$remap''' - Reloads a map if the map file has changed
* '''$arena''' - Forces the arena on the current map to be launched immediately
=== Server Control Commands ===
* '''$shutdown''' - Cleanly shuts down the server
* '''$rehash''' - Reloads all configuration files
* '''$repub''' - Reload pub files. (WARNING: This command is buggy for players online)
=== Debug Commands ===
* '''$sitem ''id [amount]''''' - Spawns an item in your inventory
* '''$ditem ''id [amount [x y]]''''' - Drops an item from your inventory on the floor (including "lore" items), optionally at the specified position
* '''$snpc ''id [amount]''''' - Spawns one (or the specified amount) of an npc with the given ID on the map
* '''$learn ''id [skilllevel]''''' - Teaches you the spell with the specified ID at the specified level (0 to 100)
=== Novelty Commands ===
* '''$quake ''[strength]''''' - Shakes the map at the specified strength (1 to 8)
=== Character Modification Commands ===
* '''$setlevel ''character level''''' - Sets the character's level to the specified value
* '''$setexp ''character level''''' - Sets the character's experience points to the specified value
* '''$setstr ''character level''''' - Sets the character's str level to the specified value
* '''$setint ''character level''''' - Sets the character's int level to the specified value
* '''$setwis ''character level''''' - Sets the character's wis level to the specified value
* '''$setagi ''character level''''' - Sets the character's agi level to the specified value
* '''$setcon ''character level''''' - Sets the character's con level to the specified value
* '''$setcha ''character level''''' - Sets the character's cha level to the specified value
* '''$setstatpoints ''character points''''' - Sets the character's available stat points to the specified value
* '''$setskillpoints ''character points''''' - Sets the character's available skill points to the specified value (Buggy: Character must relog to see them)
* '''$setadmin ''character level''''' - Sets an online character to the specified [[Admin Level]]. You can only change the admin level of people with a lower admin level than you!
* '''$setfiance ''character [name]''''' - Sets the fiance of a character (the name of the player you are authorized to marry)
* '''$setpartner ''character [name]''''' - Sets the partner of a character
* '''$sethome ''character [home]''''' - Sets the home location of a character. The name corresponds to the id-name given in [[home.ini]]
* '''$setgender ''character gender''''' - Sets the gender of the character (0 = female, 1 = male)
* '''$sethairstyle ''character hairstyle''''' - Sets the hair style ID of the character
* '''$sethaircolor ''character haircolor''''' - Sets the hair color ID of the character
* '''$setrace ''character skin''''' - Sets the skin ID of the character
* '''$setguildrank ''character rank''''' - Sets the character's rank in their guild (0 = founder, 1 = leader, 2 = recruiter, 3-9 = member)
* '''$setkarma ''character karma''''' - Sets the [[karma]] of the character (0 to 2000)
* '''$setclass ''character classid''''' - Sets the class ID of the character
* '''$settitle ''character [title]''''' - Sets the title of the character
* '''$strip ''character''''' - Unequips all of the items an online character is wearing
EOSERV Wiki > Page: Admin Commands > History > Revision Diff