C plus plus Guide Hello World
C++ Tutorial("Hello World")
Well today I am going to show you how to get Codeblocks and make your first console Application.//
The first step is installing Codeblocks: HERE
Installing it just do: Next->I Agree->Next->Install and allow it to Install
One it is done installing it's time to launch Codeblocks... So launch it :p
-Once you launch it goto File->New->File...
-Choose C/C++ Source and click Next until you get to naming it.
-Click on the "..." button and name the file main.cpp and save it to your Desktop.
-It should then open up main.cpp now time for the coding part xD.
Programming Section(explanation):
#include <iostream>- The "#include" part of the line is including the library "<iostream>". The "<iostream>" part is a header file which is used for input/output in the C++ programming language.
using namespace std;- keeps you from having to type std::cout each time you want to display a output on the console it always ends with a ";".
int main()- his line corresponds to the beginning of the definition of the main function. The main function is the point by where all C++ programs start their execution.
{- Starting bracket for the main code.
cout << "Hello World";- 'cout << "" ' takes the text which is contained in the ""and outputs it on the console screen. it end's with a ";".
return 0;- The "return" statement causes the main function to finish. return may be followed by a return code.It is followed by the return code with a value of zero.
}- The end bracket finishes the main code.
Full Code for Newbs:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "Hello World!"; return 0; }
Then just Build&Run it.