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EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
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Post #53088 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

nice but i noticed a bug it's like a admin command previntion only allows like 1 command per 5 minutes

14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53110 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

Just a random question probably was asked earlier in the post, but will you be adding a "pet" system into it?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53113 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated
Cyanide posted: (12th Nov 2010 04:03 am)

Just a random question probably was asked earlier in the post, but will you be adding a "pet" system into it?

like he apollo said before he wont be adding that garbage and or hacks to his rev its going to be a almost main server clone rev and it will be reliable not crashing cause of issues with sloppy code or deleting important codes
14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53116 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

The shops work perfectly, I have not modified anything with Sausage's original shop system. Check your corrupt pub files. As far as the admin flood prevention, the client handles that as it should (meaning it works properly). I haven't checked as an HGM if the admin flood block is there, but theHGM does have the ability to use regular global chat as frequently as they want. Only way to fix flooding would be recognize all admin as HGM (btw, you can config this from file already :P).

I hope you understand that I personally test everything before I add to my source. As a matter of fact, I do my best to test to see if anything breaks or doesn't work properly. I wouldn't release a build that to my knowledge had major bugs that could impair a critical game element.

For those of you that are curious to which EOSERV build you should use, know this:

Lewis has released a build that is essentially r189 with some of the more popular hacks such as pets and fishing added in, as well as many "Talk" commands. Using this version gives you access to an open source code to work with and edit as you see fit.

My build (Vodka) is essentially EO Main in a box. It provides the ability to create a server that can emulate nearly every function of EO main gameplay. No other server build released is as accurate to EO main as Vodka. This is currently closed source and cannot be modified. 

14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53197 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

So I downloaded this a couple days ago and it only has one quest am I able to add quest into it with out having to compile some thing?

Probably a stupid question but I figured it was worth asking.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53198 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

Yes, you certainly may add as many quests as you would like. Vodka is the only released version of EOSERV that has a fully functional quest system. I even wrote a guide to help you learn EO+ syntax: http://www.endless-edge.com/eoplus.htm

14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53256 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

Awesome, I was wondering how to add quests :) Thanks.

Would this one work right here?

    questname     "Easy Bow"
    version        1.0

State Begin
    desc        "Talk To Batamso"
    action    AddNpcChat( 2 , "Want a bow?... Well good because I want some food.." );
    action    AddNpcText( 2 , "Go get me 3 rats tails." );

    rule         TalkedToNpc(2) goto Get me yummy rat tails.

State GetRatTails
    desc    "Find 3 rats tails"
    rule    GotItems(249,3) goto Bat 3
State Bat3
    desc     "Talk to Bat"
    action    AddNpcText(2 , "Did you get 3 rat tails?");
State Rewards
    desc        "Talk to Bat"

    action    AddNpcText(2 , "Take bow and leave.");

    rule        TalkedToNpc(2) goto End

State End
    action    GiveExp(10);
    action    GiveItem(297,1);
    action    Reset( );


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53263 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated
Cyanide posted: (14th Nov 2010 12:25 am)

Awesome, I was wondering how to add quests :) Thanks.

Would this one work right here?

    questname     "Easy Bow"
    version        1.0

State Begin
    desc        "Talk To Batamso"
    action    AddNpcChat( 2 , "Want a bow?... Well good because I want some food.." );
    action    AddNpcText( 2 , "Go get me 3 rats tails." );

    rule         TalkedToNpc(2) goto Get me yummy rat tails.

State GetRatTails
    desc    "Find 3 rats tails"
    rule    GotItems(249,3) goto Bat 3
State Bat3
    desc     "Talk to Bat"
    action    AddNpcText(2 , "Did you get 3 rat tails?");
State Rewards
    desc        "Talk to Bat"

    action    AddNpcText(2 , "Take bow and leave.");

    rule        TalkedToNpc(2) goto End

State End
    action    GiveExp(10);
    action    GiveItem(297,1);
    action    Reset( );


no there are alot that you have missed and forgot

edit: I have done a little quick fix to your quest click here to get your quest

14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53273 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

xD I figured as much since it wouldnt work.

Mmm I put the one you made into my quest and it still wont work darnit. Oh well I'll just mess with it some more.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53274 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated
Cyanide posted: (14th Nov 2010 05:47 am)

xD I figured as much since it wouldnt work.

Mmm I put the one you made into my quest and it still wont work darnit. Oh well I'll just mess with it some more.

is you npc set to the quest script id?
14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53277 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

Yeah I changed it to quest and the quest ID, but still no luck Ive got 3 other quest working ( i didnt make lol).

I see what was wrong it needed "Main" above all the rest. Got it working now.
Got it half way working it pops up allows me to start the quest but doesn't allow me to finish it even with the rat tails.

P.s. could any one help me with the skill.ini?

heres how I have it formated but it doesn't seem to work for me
#Skill master information

5.name = Mage Shop
5.trade = 16,1000,10,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53329 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

the vodka link wont work anymore =(

14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53358 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

Vodka link still works. If at any time it fails... wait. As for finishing the quest mentioned with the rat tails, there was a bug in an earlier version. I am going to update the Vodka source soon with a whole new batch of fixes. I haven't had much time to work on anything EOSERV related other than minor fixes here and there. The next release will fix the following problems: quest reward always rewards when called (a bug previously prevented this from happening 100% of the time), a fix to prevent an exploit with spells, and a fix to the 64 player cap (which also fixes a bug that prevents showing on the SLN coincidentally).

14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53359 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

So does the spell master just not work right now ? Or am I doing the format wrong for the spell master?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
14 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #53360 Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Updated

Skillmasters work perfectly to get spells, reset stats, forget spells, or forget all spells. The format for skills.ini should have been in the included skills.ini in Vodka's /data folder. Should you have deleted this information here it is again:

# Skill master information
# Format:
#  id.name = skill_master_name
#  id.learn = spellid, level req, class req, spell1 req, spell2 req, spell 3 req, spell4 req, str #req, int req, wis req, agi req, con req, cha req{spell,price,level_requirement,class_requirement,spell1,spell2,spell3,spell4,str,int,wis,agi,con,cha}
# Example:
#  3.name = Spell guy
#  3.trade = 2,100,15,3,1,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6
# NPC #3's shop will be called "Spell guy".
# It will learn "spell #2" for 100g and you'l need 15 level, "class #3", "spell1", 1 str, 2 wis, 3 int, 4 agi, 5 con and 6 cha.

14 years, 14 weeks ago
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