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Posts: 569
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
my title partner and more all all NULL why is that? and how do i fix it?
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
Are you using mysql or sqlite?
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 12th Jun 2010
Posts: 569
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
im using sqlite, im using the database.sdb
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
fruity posted: (29th Sep 2011, 01:17 am)
my title partner and more all all NULL why is that? and how do i fix it?
All I can say is that some how they got changed to
allow null
With Sqlite I have no idea how to fix it.
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 19th Aug 2010
Posts: 1212
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
title varchar(16) NOT NULL,
partner varchar(16) NOT NULL,
Run that SQL And that should
If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 29th Sep 2011
Posts: 50
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
I've seen this revision a few times used by a few different people, I think you've done a great job and put lot's of effort into it! I just have a few requests, I know you can't edit the source, but some people may want to change it to a different amount of HP to start off with, which you
candoin the database but you need the source as well. Also I need it so you can change the things on classes, like you need to be a warrior to put on strength. Maybe put a feature like this in extras.ini?
It would also be nice to spawn items :P it won't let me or may just be game masters spawn any items, you may want to fix that in less it's something simple like in admin.ini . Edit: Sorry nevermind, it was fixed in admin.ini :P
It would also be nice to make the title and things not NULL when you join, I can fix it, but it makes it easier if I want to start a new fresh version without the NULL's :D but otherwise, you did a great job in this revision!
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 19th Aug 2010
Posts: 1212
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
^the NOT NULL can be added to the install.sql before you create the database. ---
If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 12th Jun 2010
Posts: 569
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
create the database? Im using a database browser from Hollows dreamers o.o Also the query crashed sqlite
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 14th Apr 2009
Posts: 2759
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
Why the hell would you use a different database? I am not sure the two are even compatible. Anyway, the problem with "Null" is most likely in your sql editor. Alter the table to "Not Null" whichever categories do that. This happens with some sql programs and not in others.
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
Hmm, apollo i'm using your sqlite database and sqlite database browser and it comes out null, (the characters partner, title) and the query danscott posted crashed the browser and i tryed editing the install.sql which made eoserv is dying seg fault. please help! ---
stay tuned.
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 8th Mar 2011
Posts: 1095
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
eagerly awaiting the update
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13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 30th Sep 2010
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Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
Is there any chance that you will release the source? Since that is what you said on your first reply. I have heard some people that wait for the source to be released before they use vodka. But if you dont plan to release it you should say it instead of giving false hope to ppl.
13 years, 20 weeks ago
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Posts: 2759
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
Hollow posted: (29th Sep 2011, 07:32 pm)
Is there any chance that you will release the source? Since that is what you said on your first reply. I have heard some people that wait for the source to be released before they use vodka. But if you dont plan to release it you should say it instead of giving false hope to ppl.
Did you read the disclaimer on the first fucking page? Here is a copy/paste of it: "I will release a source to this build in the near future(maybe)".
Essentially there are a couple of reasons Vodka stays closed source.
Number one: Vodka is stable and supports nearly every single function of the original EO flawlessly. The current build I am working on has went 2 weeks before manual restart on a live server(50-100 players).
Number two: Why should I release the source to Vodka at this point? It would only become tainted with every other released hack in forums and become labeled as Hollow's twinkie cake v.9.7. No thanks.
One thing that I have done is pay strict attention to detail. When someone releases a revision, it usually contains pets/fishing/mining/harvesting which are some of the worst hacks I have ever seen come from this forum. Personally, I could care less how many times you attack a tree and call
that harvesting. Something far more important to me would be fixing the PK system to allow a player to shoot thru a team mate to hit an enemy player. This is just one of the many fixes that Vodka has that other builds do not. Basically, if you look at the release date of Vodka you will see it was
far ahead of any of the other shitty builds that were released at the time, and oddly no one else has released anything as stable and bug free since.
The next build I release of Vodka will provide several security features and slight fixes to other mechanics of the server along with a few bells and whistles as far as commands go...
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Joined: 8th Mar 2011
Posts: 1095
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
Apollo posted: (30th Sep 2011, 04:17 pm)
The next build I release of Vodka will provide several security features
an option to log admin commands plz
Beware of your thoughts, they become your words. Beware of your words, they become your actions.
Beware of your actions, they become your habits. Beware of your habits, they become your character.
Beware of your character, it becomes your destiny.
- Unknown
13 years, 20 weeks ago
Re: EOSERV Vodka [Demo Release]-Re-Updated
hate to bring an old topic back but i like this rev when will another update be? or can someone tell me the updates if there has been any
13 years, 20 weeks ago
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