EOSERV Forum > Seose > seose sln qustion
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seose sln qustion
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Post #4965 seose sln qustion

how do you turn on sln in seose in the config file for it all i see is 4 options?

15 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #4970 Re: seose sln qustion

The main options for SLN are here: (Seose.ini)

Server   = https://eoserv.net/SLN/check
#Interval = 600
Zone     =
Dump     = .\SLN.txt

To enable SLN simply remove the # character from the begining of Interval. Apart from that, you shouldn't change any other value in this section.

You should also setup some information about your server here: (Seose.ini again)

GameName = Seose Development
GameURL  = http://game.sordie.co.cc:8080
GameIP   = game.sordie.co.cc
GamePort =

GameName is the name of your server.
GameURL is the web page of your server. (leave it empty if you don't have a website)
GameIP is the IP address or host name of your server. (leave it empty to auto detect your IP)
GamePort is the port is the port for your server. (again, leave it empty to use the default)

15 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #4976 Re: seose sln qustion

That also helped me out...
BTW sordie why not create a topic that's all about SEOSE so in that topic we discuss about problems like this....

15 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #4979 Re: seose sln qustion
Razor posted: (30th Apr 2009 02:14 pm)

BTW sordie why not create a topic that's all about SEOSE so in that topic we discuss about problems like this....


15 years, 44 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > seose sln qustion