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Port Forward/Connect Help
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Post #4913 Port Forward/Connect Help

Okay thanks. I uninstalled and reinstalled and after a few "Retry's" MySQL worked.

But now yet another problem lol.

I can connect to localhost, but now no one else can again. I forwarded the 8078 Port the same way I did the 3306 so if the MySQL can connect shouldn't others now be able to since I did them the same way if one works, both should?

Here's some details that might help. The new modem I had set up (the one mentioned in first post that's why I had to redo all of this) is a Modem and Wifi Router combined.

So to change port settings and all that I go to gateway.2wire.net

I can connect with and I get a private address which I can also connect with.

I can't however connect with my current IP (it changes) or endlessrpg.webhop.org which is a dyndns.com thing that forwards to my IP.

Any ideas? Everytime I run into something someone on these forums find a way to fix it so thanks in advance.

Edit: Should others be able to connect with the Private IP (Nevermind, a friend of mine tried and it didn't work.) So still no luck and any help will be appreciated.

And btw is the Private IP I get at gateway.2wire.net and it says that's where eoserv/mysql is hosted (the port forwarding of these app's). And the public of course is my dynamic IP. But when I do "ipconfig" in cmd I get as my IP. So I have no clue on what to do next to fix it.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #4918 Re: Port Forward/Connect Help

The is an internal IP address assigned to your computer by your modem/router. There is no way an external computer can connect to this address.

The address that people should be connecting to is the one (or endlessrpg.webhop.org, your dyndns name)

However, you must make sure that your router is setup to forward port 8078 to your internal address;  You must also make sure that your firewall, if any, is allowing EOServ to listen on port 8078.

A good first step would be to make sure your dyndns is working.
Click Start->Run and type this:
cmd /c ping endlessrpg.webhop.org & pause

EDIT: OK I checked your dyndns address for you and it's working fine. You will have to check your router setting yourself though.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #4924 Re: Port Forward/Connect Help

Hmm. I'll try to figure out how to do that.

Since this modem didn't use or the or w/e I checked out PortForward.com and found a default guide for my modem which is a 2wire.

I followed the exact steps found here. http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/2wire/2701HG-B/default.htm

Is that forwarding the ports to the internal IP? And also I have to change some computer firewall settings and not just for the modem/router?

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #4931 Re: Port Forward/Connect Help

Yes you need to forward to (Assuming that's your computers IP)
You can make sure that is your computers address by copy/pasting this into Start->Run..

cmd /c ipconfig | find /i "ip" | find /i "192.168" & pause

EDIT: copy & paste it so I don't have to explain what that line is between ipconfig and find =D

EDIT (again): Made the command more more compatible with other older Windows versions =P

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #4932 Re: Port Forward/Connect Help

Ah! so you're Trunks! It's Damis!

Dude, we have to get this fixed so that your EO can be up. :c
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #4934 Re: Port Forward/Connect Help

Yeah I checked and is what came up when I did the run thing.

I believe that I am forwarding the ports to that IP, but no luck? If someone wouldn't mind taking a look at the link I posted like 2 posts up that shows the guide I followed at PortForward.com. It shows the instructions and has images that accompany them so you can see exactly what I did.

Does that guide Port Forward the ports to Because this is similarly how I did it for my old modem and it worked. Again help appreciated and thank you so much already Sordie.

Edit: I also downloaded PortForward.com's Port checking tool and it checks and it says that Port 8078 is open.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Port Forward/Connect Help