EOSERV Forum > Lounge > This is lame
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This is lame
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Post #45702 This is lame

Ok, as we all know, eo has been dead for a long time now. when i revisit this site, i honestly think this is the last of the eo related sites that actually gets visited more than 3 times a day. feels like we're all just a bunch no life people who can't give up eo lol. it just feels weird knowing that this website is still up [:

14 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #45705 Re: This is lame

And that makes you feel weird, someones wants to continue that what vult-r started >_>

Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
14 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #45727 Re: This is lame

Weird. You're welcome to leave if you're not happy with being one of the people that visit here. I have no problem with old games like EO. Hell, I still play Pacman. If you feel like in some way EO is holding you back but you can't break free then just let us know and we can help you with your problem by delete your account and/or blocking you IP.

In short. If you want to act like one of the whiney "EO is lame but I'm still going to rant about it because I need attention" people then this isn't the place to do it. There is already a forum dedicated to morons like this. It's called forum.endless-online.com

14 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #45848 Re: This is lame

Don't you just love how Sordie completely and utterly pwned you?

But, serious.  If we're all a bunch of no life people what does that make you?  I have a life, EO is just something I do to pass time. >_> I don't play main, I play one private server, and a majority of the time I'm online, I'm not even there.  To most of us, EO, EOServ, Seose, Kalandra, whatever, it's all a hobby, nothing more.

14 years, 22 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > This is lame