EOSERV Forum > Lounge > What web browser do you use?
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What web browser do you use?
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Post #45438 Re: What web browser do you use?
xIFearlessIxx posted: (30th Jul 2010 03:42 pm)

May I remind you have shitty they are :D. Take a look yourself.

"Sarcasm" OMG I love the invisible hand that could be so helpful because you know I'm addicted to buying things online that I'll need to download this.


There are some awesome extensions though
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45441 Re: What web browser do you use?
xIFearlessIxx posted: (30th Jul 2010 03:42 pm)

May I remind you have shitty they are :D. Take a look yourself.

"Sarcasm" OMG I love the invisible hand that could be so helpful because you know I'm addicted to buying things online that I'll need to download this.


Not sure what extensions you really need for a web browser anyways. I have like 4: Adblock, Xmarks, Gmail Checker thingy, and new tab redirect.
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45442 Re: What web browser do you use?

I dont know if Chrome can do this, but i like the themes in FireFox

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45443 Re: What web browser do you use?
danjakeneal posted: (30th Jul 2010 03:50 pm)

I dont know if Chrome can do this, but i like the themes in FireFox

You mean Personas? https://tools.google.com/chrome/intl/en/themes/index.htmlhttp://www.chromethemes.org/
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45444 Re: What web browser do you use?

Yup :(

Thought i finaly found something Chrome aint got lol

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45445 Re: What web browser do you use?

I like my RealAquarium (fishtank widget for Opera). It's boring to look at. Just like Opera, boring to look at. But it's 'straight to the point'. It does what a browser should do, without the fancy flares and add-ons. Easy as pie.

edit: Even if you did fancy changing the way Opera looks, you can choose from a huge amount of nice looking themes, and just to push it a little further, you can move any button anywhere you want to.
You can even add from a whole bunch of other buttons for things that the average user wouldn't use, such as a toolbar that shows page downloading speed. They're all built in, if you need them, and you can whatever you want with them.

edit: just an example:

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45452 Re: What web browser do you use?

I use Opera, with the IBIS Inspire Transparent theme to it. In my opinion, Opera is not only the fastest browser I've ever used, but it is also the most customizable. It doesn't limit your bookmarks, you can have up to 25 speed dial sites, and it has the ability of killing scripts as they run. Say goodbye to all those websites that forced you to kill the process because the popups would never end, just check a box and they will all die. It has a built-in mail and IRC system as well (no experience with mail, but the IRC client is average, but works). It has support for torrent downloads (useless, just download uTorrent, it's much faster). And it has the nice touch of not clogging up your taskbar with useless windows, if you try to open more than one all it does is open a new tab (yay! No more cluttered taskbar!).

Other than that, it's just generally a good browser. I have also noticed problems with this textbox being deleted if you backspace after clicking inside it, and some websites go into an eternal refresh after they are 100% loaded, but other than that, no problems.

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45465 Re: What web browser do you use?

I don't know why there are so many people hating on chrome. Its like Mac and PC. They were both designed to do different things, that doesn't make one better than the other.

I use chrome because it IS fast. I don't need fancy add-ons or built in anything. I need to check facebook, gmail, sometimes router port forwarding, and eoserv. And those ALL fit in my bookmarks bar. So yes. Some of you may not like chrome because it doesn't have everything built in for you. But it has themes, tabs, and a bookmarks bar. And it shows the internet to me, in fact, the HTML renderer worked better in chrome for my site than it did for FF and IE. 

Point: chrome doesn't suck just because it doesn't do what you want it to do.

class EOSERV {
Programmer | Oldbie
Open source EO Client: https://github.com/ethanmoffat/EndlessClient
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45476 Re: What web browser do you use?

meh the latest firefox build looks 100% like opera, so I'll prolly give it another whirl since it looks like they changed some stuff up a bit :P

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45591 Re: What web browser do you use?
Tendency posted: (29th Jul 2010 02:13 am)

Google Chrome (newest) The best web browser in my opinion. Great Web browser for Dev's. You can see Websites code (html, php, etc..) and its free ;)

The hell are you talking about? You can't see PHP code in your browser. PHP is a server-side language you only see the output of a PHP script, not the source, in the browser.

I use the latest version of Google Chrome. It's development tools are pretty good, but I mostly use it for it's speed and design. I hate browsers that have a large 'Chrome' and a small website display; it's just annoying.

IE sucks (especially IE6 and below speaking from a web development POV).

Firefox isn't that bad. It just has too much going on, and again I like the minimalistic feeling of chrome. The only excuse that I can see for using firefox is the addons. The wide variety and sheer number of addons make it a useful tool in some cases. The only time I use firefox is when I need to utilize an addon that I don't have for chrome. Which isn't very often.

Opera is fast, but that's about it. The rendering engine (Presto) is shit almost as bad as IEs.
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45639 Re: What web browser do you use?
Arcitex posted: (1st Aug 2010 04:26 pm)

Firefox isn't that bad. It just has too much going on, and again I like the minimalistic feeling of chrome.

Me too.  Chrome looks awesome...

Oh wait a second. I seem to have "accidentally" posted a screen shot of firefox. My bad. It is quite hard to tell them apart these days =P

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45640 Re: What web browser do you use?
Sordie posted: (1st Aug 2010 08:46 pm)

Arcitex posted: (1st Aug 2010 04:26 pm)

Firefox isn't that bad. It just has too much going on, and again I like the minimalistic feeling of chrome.

Me too.  Chrome looks awesome...

Oh wait a second. I seem to have "accidentally" posted a screen shot of firefox. My bad. It is quite hard to tell them apart these days =P

Lol rape.
Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45641 Re: What web browser do you use?

I am happy to know that I am the only person here who uses Comet Bird :O

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45642 Re: What web browser do you use?
Soma posted: (1st Aug 2010 08:49 pm)

I am happy to know that I am the only person here who uses Comet Bird :O

Which is firefox, only it has an extension for BitComet
Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45646 Re: What web browser do you use?

Of course, but what I click on every morning is called Comet Bird so that's what I call it. ;)

14 years, 34 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > What web browser do you use?