EOSERV Forum > Lounge > What web browser do you use?
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What web browser do you use?
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Post #45252 What web browser do you use?

So, what web browsers are you people using? And what versions?

Feel free to also discuss what you think of web technologies like html5, flash, silverlight, etc.

K, Go..

..Oh I'm using FireFox 4 beta2

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45255 Re: What web browser do you use?

Firefox (newest) up until recently. I have switched to Chrome (latest) since Xmarks has added password sync support to the Chrome extension. eCollege.NExT recently started supporting Chrome as well.

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45259 Re: What web browser do you use?

Google Chrome (newest) The best web browser in my opinion. Great Web browser for Dev's. You can see Websites code (html, php, etc..) and its free ;)

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45261 Re: What web browser do you use?

I use Chrome for general web browsing, as for other aspects I usually use Firefox 4 beta. 

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45263 Re: What web browser do you use?

I'm using FireFox 4 beta2, (Same as Sordie <3) I use this when browsing Videos/Big websites and websites that involve HTML5.

But when I'm browsing Forums I use Google Chrome (newest)

Mine are all portable I should mention

As I see Sordie doesn't mind we talk about HTML5, I'm actually learning HTML5 & CSS3. I'm really! good with them right now.

NOTE: I suggest starting with HTML5, If you have used XML or HTML any version HTML5 wont be to hard.

HTML5 has no div bullshit. It also has some great video and audio tags and canvas tag, That amazing.

As for other programming languages, PHP is the only other one on my side.

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45274 Re: What web browser do you use?

Firefox is so horribly slow and bloated that I can't even stand using it to test websites on it's broken-ass, non-standard renderer. Starting with 3.5 there's not as many work-arounds I have to write for it. If you can't live without your 1000 little pointless addons then Firefox is for you. Also: for(;;)alert("!"); // <-- WHY IS THIS STILL AN ISSUE FOR FIREFOX

WebKit makes Chrome and Safari both great, fast browsers. Chrome has a very smooth user experience, but it feels a touch too lightweight. The overhead of having a process per tab is unnecessary. Safari is a fine choice for Mac users; the Windows port is just horrible.

IE has gotten a lot better lately, I would probably even use IE8 over Firefox if I had to pick between either one. It's main problem is the horrible, difficult to modify interface; and it's about as laggy as Firefox. It also lacks the newest fancy CSS effects like shadows. Versions before 8 have countless problems rendering even basic websites, and unfortunately, a majority of Internet users are still using them.

Opera is basically perfection in a box. It comes with everything you need, it looks nice, starts and runs quickly, integrates well, is actually very configurable, and won't ass-fuck you swapping like the other RAM hungry browsers. It does have quite a few small, annoying rendering glitches though. The built in mail client is great. Opera Unite, Widgets and IRC are unnecessary/bad but their existence won't kill you. Opera Link (synchronization) lacks the ability to synchronize everything you'd want to.

Opera, IE and Chrome all have some excellent development tools built in. Firefox has the Firebug addon, which is usable.

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45281 Re: What web browser do you use?

I use opera, except for when I am streaming, I will then use namoroka. (64 bit version of firefox) Which solved all of my issues with firefox.

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45287 Re: What web browser do you use?

I am using opera 10.60, best web browser out there, fast and stable!

Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45288 Re: What web browser do you use?

I like chrome for general browsing. It loads fast, moves fast, and does everything I need in a browser (which would be showing me the internet in pretty colors). 

I use firefox for testing my website because chrome likes to cache pages and not re-load data from the server (part of that whole 'fast' thing), so I can't see immediate changes to my website when I'm adding new things unless they are part php.

class EOSERV {
Programmer | Oldbie
Open source EO Client: https://github.com/ethanmoffat/EndlessClient
14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45290 Re: What web browser do you use?

I used Chrome till it crapped out on me, now i am using Firefox3.6

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45296 Re: What web browser do you use?

I'm now using Opera to test it out, Everything is good the speed, Add-ons, Etc.

This cannot load Flash worth shit,  It's also really slow at loading HTML5 websites I find if there a good size. This is a more stable Google Chrome in my opinion, But Firefox you have more control of.

But I'll stick with Opera for a bit.

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45299 Re: What web browser do you use?

I use Firefox 3.6.

Easy to use. In my opinion its been the fastest browser out of the others iv used.

I hate IE with a passion. It wont actually even run properly for me on my laptop anymore. lol.

I used safari for a long while. It was a pretty decent browser. I liked it.

Never really gave Chrome much of a chance though.

I had already decided i like firefox and the differences didnt really appeal to me.

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45301 Re: What web browser do you use?

Opera 10.6 ;)

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45305 Re: What web browser do you use?

Here's the browser statistics for this website (from the last 4 days, anyway) - http://stats.tehsausage.com/awstats.pl?config=eoserv.net&framename=mainright&output=browserdetail

Adjusted to remove bots and combine versions:

Internet Explorer 8  23.8% ########################-----------------
Internet Explorer 7  13.6% #############----------------------------
Internet Explorer 6   3.6% ####-------------------------------------

Firefox 4             0.9% #-----------------------------------
Firefox 3            34.7% ###################################-

Chrome               14.2% ##############

Opera                 7.4% #######

Safari                1.7% ##

A majority of the "Unknown" ones on the stats page are EOSERV/Seose.

14 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #45306 Re: What web browser do you use?

You know several people in this topic (2 I know of) would not get off of their shitty firefox browser until reading this damn thread. So now Sausage has a few things to say about Opera browser everyone wants to try L337?

Anyways, Opera is basically as Sausage says it is, minor rendering problems mainly to do with javascript (even though it boasts about it), at least 3 useless features (fridge magnets wut).  Opera seems to be the only browser that glitches THIS text entry box when typing a message to post oneoserv ;)

Other than those its fast, (warm start here is like 0.2 secs after I click it), looks pretty damn smooth (first browser to boast aero support, even though Z1-Glass sucks), speed-dial (every browser wants this, safari took the idea, firefox probably has an add-on for it).

Alot of people I know are firefox suckers, and to all the ones that either changed to Google Chrome or Opera, they both had significant changes of opinions which browsers were faster. Neverless, firefox is very slow and bloated.

Oh and, whats with all these 'NEW BROWSERS' being released that are just different versions of Firefox? They're not new, they're the same with a different title!

And I won't talk about how many 'Add-ons' there are for different browsers because they are all third-party software and they will eat your babies.

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 34 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > What web browser do you use?