What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
im goin to light up a fatty and watch the show ---
Free your mind
14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
I wouldn't really care... we all know it ain't gonna happen but if it was to happen then I'd proberly be out with the misses having a drink :)
I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
I'd be sad for about 30 seconds then die, I'd imagine. ---
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14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
do with any other person would try to do when they are about to die.. I would run and scream
My skins dying because you're under it-
I’m done lying to myself for this.
For all the wonder in believing man it’s making me weak-
I’ll fade away & classify myself as Obsolete!
14 years, 23 weeks ago
Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
I'd be running. Also I don't agree with people like Desmond, The topic clearly states (What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012)
There isn't any "if" "ands" or "buts" :}
I doubt you'd be doing that, maybe you alone, but none else Lol. Everyone's best bet is to stay above ground ;o Or get into an air plane, There are loads of ways to save your self. It's all depending on what actually happened.
14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
Well as a gigantic meteor is supposedly going to make landfall approximately mid-December in 2012 (theory, not fact), it would be a bad idea to stay above ground as you would either end up flattened or burned to a crisp (if you were beneath it). Best bet would be to go underground. Plus the fact
of the BP oil well thing displacing methane gas beneath the earth's crust which will supposedly result in toxic gases contaminating the air up to 2,000 miles inland.
Anyways, I'd probably say fuck it and try to start a raid on WoW.
May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 23 weeks ago
Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
i think i'd go and find the most beautifull girl in town and rape her xD (just kidding) ---
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14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
I think, on last day, I would do EVERYTHING what I haven't done, ofcourse there won't be so much time but... I'll go screw neighborhood teenager girl O_o friking hot, anyways =D I would take BIG loan and buy all things I always wanted
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14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
hold one of my skates in the air and wait.... I'd be the first and probably the only person to of ever skated on a meteor.
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14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
Im gunna be a billionaire so fuckin bad and buy all of the things i never had :D
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14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
It wont end anyway. If i'm wrong then nobody will be alive to laugh at me being wrong lol
14 years, 23 weeks ago
Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
Well if the world ended then i guess i would die. Not much chance in surviving the end of the world really.
14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
I'd sit down and watch the show.
14 years, 23 weeks ago
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Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
Might kill the people I don't like, or bang a chick. Seems best way to die.
14 years, 23 weeks ago
Joined: 26th Nov 2009
Posts: 334
Re: What are you going to do if the world ends December 21 2012
Most likely I would go back into my Alcoholic ways, and watch it all end.
14 years, 23 weeks ago
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