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Law and Marriage[Release]
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Post #196252 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

I too don't care what kind of a programmer this forum thinks I am. Still, claiming someone's work as being your own is just wrong. I want the whole world to know who designed the features of EOSERV. And I want them to be respected for it. I don't want some ass to come along and claim they did it when they did not. Forgive me for being impolite but the situation to me called for this impoliteness. I generally tend to obey the rules around here, it's just seeing something like that gives me flash-backs of the shills I meet daily. From now on I'd appreciate it if you'd state your ground beforehand. Addison wrote this script (or code, whichever you want to call it) and I want you to bring that to light. You will say something to the tune of Addison wrote this script for my source, and not just he ripped it from your source. Lest I disagree that you give a fuck about this community.

9 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #196255 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]
Madao posted: (13th Jan 2015, 08:37 am)

Apollo posted: (13th Jan 2015, 12:55 am)

Addison essentially ripped marriage out of a very old build of my source, and when he released this with a minor cleanup he left the bugs in place. I would suggest having someone very familiar with EOSERV and C++ to assist you in bringing this code up to modern compatibility as well as fixing some of the missing checks that can leave inconsistencies with married/divorced players and locking the map into a forever wedding state.

You know what Apollo, I'm tired of you claiming to be something you're not. I've never seen you write a single line of code that wasn't shit. You claim Addison ripped this from you and yet I wrote spells before you. As far as I'm concerned you have no place being an Administrator of this forum. Addison was a special guy and as far as I'm concerned, you are not.

CN:BH 4 lyfe
9 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #196256 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

Hello friends I have returned for a brief moment what's going on

"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
9 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #196258 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]
Madao posted: (15th Jan 2015, 06:29 am)

I too don't care what kind of a programmer this forum thinks I am. Still, claiming someone's work as being your own is just wrong. I want the whole world to know who designed the features of EOSERV. And I want them to be respected for it. I don't want some ass to come along and claim they did it when they did not. Forgive me for being impolite but the situation to me called for this impoliteness. I generally tend to obey the rules around here, it's just seeing something like that gives me flash-backs of the shills I meet daily. From now on I'd appreciate it if you'd state your ground beforehand. Addison wrote this script (or code, whichever you want to call it) and I want you to bring that to light. You will say something to the tune of Addison wrote this script for my source, and not just he ripped it from your source. Lest I disagree that you give a fuck about this community.

Not that any of us give a shit, or even have that great of a memory from trivial code that happened 4-5 years ago, or even the fact that anyone owes you an explanation of any sort, let me sum of briefly the gist of it in the order that I can best remember it happened.

Bart and I worked out the wedding ceremony collaboratively (Bart mainly the wedding script and time event handlers, I worked on the priest and such getting the proper replies from the packets). I ask Vult-r for main quests, and he is nice enough to send them. I tell Sausage I have the quests and he writes a very primitive EO+ parser. Addison offers to help finish the quest engine. While working on quests, Addison had access to my old source and asked if it would be cool for him to use what I had for Marriage for a release and I said I didn't mind. Neither of us have record anymore of the original source material which was used for this release so to be quite honest, and judging from Addison's own words in the original post, it is obvious this work was derived from my old source regardless of how the fuck you declare what in which order with whatever labels you give for whatever elements are needed.

I really don't understand why you are even pissy. 99% of EOSERV is all Sausage's work. We have worked to modify and add missing features, but it is all using the format he has made. And btw, the few of us that have worked to better this project have a general idea of what each other did to contribute. We don't need a fucking works cited page in MLA format to have a general idea of who did what, and we certainly aren't required to answer to anyone as such.

9 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #196260 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

"I ask Vult-r for main quests, and he is nice enough to send them."

So Vult-r was pro eoserv? That's cool. Is he still around making stuff? haha

I not hacker

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein : Really Great Quote Ramy!
9 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #196263 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]
Hacker_Alex posted: (17th Jan 2015, 02:19 am)

"I ask Vult-r for main quests, and he is nice enough to send them."

So Vult-r was pro eoserv? That's cool. Is he still around making stuff? haha

obviously, he meant that he asked for packets and stuff like that
Remember when is not an organization nor a fucking group , it's simply an idea that we believe in
and live for.
The priority of Remember when should come before oxygen , as oxygen is cosmetic even life itself is
cosmetic,that's why offer our worthless lives to The "Remember when"
9 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #196264 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]
weedindeed posted: (17th Jan 2015, 03:43 pm)

Hacker_Alex posted: (17th Jan 2015, 02:19 am)

"I ask Vult-r for main quests, and he is nice enough to send them."

So Vult-r was pro eoserv? That's cool. Is he still around making stuff? haha

obviously, he meant that he asked for packets and stuff like that

It actually was the actual quest files Vult gave me. The EOSERV EO+ parser doesn't tolerate the typos Vult made in his own quest files though.
9 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #199840 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

This is going to sound really stupid. I don't understand that much about coding, but I can do everything in this tutorial, but what do you do once you've finished editing and adding all the files? Do you have compile it or something? I'm using code::blocks.

8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #199841 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

Yeah, you compile it. o-o

8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #199850 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

How? I've already installed MinGW btw.

8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #199851 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

Not sure what you're missing here so pardon this obvious answer. You just go to codeblocks and go to build->build or you can press ctrl+f9.

8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #199852 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

When I do that I get 2 errors. 

c:\mingw\include\pthread.h|320| error: redefinition of 'struct timespec'|    and

c:\mingw\include\parts\time.h|105|error: previous definition of 'struct timespec'|

I'm a bit confused. What should I do?

8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #199872 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]

You've got 2 headers with the same struct in them so one needs to go. Not sure which one though cause I can't tell how you have it set up from this.

8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #199874 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]
Multiple Spanks posted: (2nd May 2016, 10:00 am)

When I do that I get 2 errors. 

c:\mingw\include\pthread.h|320| error: redefinition of 'struct timespec'|    and

c:\mingw\include\parts\time.h|105|error: previous definition of 'struct timespec'|

I'm a bit confused. What should I do?

-Open your trunk folder> then project folder> then mingw (project file -17KB)- At the top of the Code::Blocks menu bar, click Settings> then Compiler> then #Defines

-Enter the following bolded line: HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC and then select ok. 

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #202534 Re: Law and Marriage[Release]


Thank you (and who ever else worked on the code) for sharing.

I was able to adapt the code to the most recent revision, but it seems that nothing happens after both partners say "Yes, I do.".

Maybe there's missing code that should be sending a packet back to the client. Does anyone have a clue or working code?

Here is the code on question:

void Priest_Use(Character *character, PacketReader &reader)


        if (character->npc_type != ENF::Priest || !character->npc->marriage)


        if (character->npc->marriage->partner[0] == character)


            character->npc->marriage->partner_accepted[0] = true;

            character->map->Msg(character, "Yes, I do.", true);


        else if (character->npc->marriage->partner[1] == character)


            character->npc->marriage->partner_accepted[1] = true;

            character->map->Msg(character, "Yes, I do.", true);




I believe I figured it out, it's not easy testing Marriage with only myself. I have to go through a lot of loopholes via code.

Just your friendly neighborhood Programmer-Man!
7 years, 35 weeks ago
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