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Visal Basic 2008 Help
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Post #44497 Visal Basic 2008 Help

Ok well i want a listbox to load items from a text file. like Each line in the text files that an item like

that would be 2 items on the list how would i do this.

I posted it on eoserv forums cuz i kno theres alot of vb coders on here

14 years, 24 weeks ago
Post #44503 Re: Visal Basic 2008 Help

Searching google is the best way to follow VB tutorials. It helped me so, doing it yourself instead of getting the code gives you more knowledge about VB.

"Pineapples and shit."
14 years, 24 weeks ago
Post #44519 Re: Visal Basic 2008 Help

.NET or plain old BASIC code?

VB is basically just a horrible hack of QB to add windows support so something like this would probably work:

open "c:\path\file.txt" for input as #1
while not eof(1)
  input #1, s$
  listbox.add s$

Yuck. Now I remember why nobody should be using BASIC for anything more than learning programming basics. =P

Probably best you forget VB and start learning C# now before you pick up and bad habbits!

14 years, 24 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Visal Basic 2008 Help