EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Endless online On a website
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Endless online On a website
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Post #43914 Endless online On a website


This isn't mean as advertising but i just want to share this to you people because i think this is pretty awesome

It's an eoclient that work on a website it's online and everything well you only can walk an talk on the moment but just the idea it's on a Website makes it cool in my opinion


opensource isometric game engine ~ www.avac-engine.blogspot.com
14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43917 Re: Endless online On a website

Ahhahaha... Not advertising -_-

14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43918 Re: Endless online On a website

Epic Win =D Smooth movement :o

Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43921 Re: Endless online On a website

This is posted on like... 10 sites.. lol

Btw, you can put it on your site with: (BBCode (for forums))


And: (HTML)

<object width="660" height="500"> 

<param name="movie" value="http://eo.rakuhana.org/eoarena/"> 

<embed src="http://eo.rakuhana.org/eoarena/" width="700" height="500"> 



14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43924 Re: Endless online On a website

Well thanks for hot-linking to my website. If you want to show people it's a better idea to link them to where I have it hosted, don't hot-link to my copy on your website.

You really shouldn't even be advertising this either. It's way too early in development and there's not much to do.

14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43925 Re: Endless online On a website

My point wasn't even advertising this.. i just wanted to show you this

opensource isometric game engine ~ www.avac-engine.blogspot.com
14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43926 Re: Endless online On a website
clive posted: (16th Jul 2010 05:53 pm)

My point wasn't even advertising this.. i just wanted to show you this

14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43930 Re: Endless online On a website

If this connects to EOMain, I must warn you about using it. It seems very suspicious. However, if it connects to its own server, it seems like a very unique and innovative client.

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43931 Re: Endless online On a website
Syran posted: (16th Jul 2010 06:42 pm)

If this connects to EOMain, I must warn you about using it. It seems very suspicious. However, if it connects to its own server, it seems like a very unique and innovative client.

It's not "Endless Online in a web browser" it's a whole other game entirely. Not even of the MMO genre. So yes, it connects to another server entirely.
14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43954 Re: Endless online On a website

Not bad

14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43964 Re: Endless online On a website

Original Post:


Just a heads up, if anyone has an android device with froyo: try to see if it runs and tell us what happens.

14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #43967 Re: Endless online On a website

My brother tried it and it took a bit to load, But yes it did work.

14 years, 36 weeks ago
Post #44024 Re: Endless online On a website

It looks like it could be a completly new game just using EO sprites.

14 years, 36 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Endless online On a website