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Admin's for Pastebin.
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Post #43567 Admin's for Pastebin.

I think that the Pastebin should have Admin/Mods.. same as Eoserv.net..

 There are like 15 spam topics to every "useful topic".

And a account registration so ppl can be +1,+2,+0,-1,-2

For example... Paste # 44....

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43569 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

What the fuck do you morons think a pastebin is? It's just a service comparable to tinyurl. It's not supposed to be anything more than a... pastebin. Don't want to flood an IRC channel with 100 lines of code? PASTEBIN! Don't want to take up way more space than you deserve on a forum post? FUCKING PASTEBIN! IT'S NOT SOME MAGICAL CODE SHARING COMMUNITY BULLSHIT. IT IS A. PASTE. BIN.

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43570 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

Well, yhea. your right. I guess i ddin't like that fact of seeing Nigger on there.. but then again.. i have 2 options.. don't go there.. or deal with it..

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43578 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

Why are you a racist?

Don't give some bullshit answer, because for as many reasons you may come up with, you'll probably look dumber than you did in your last post. Don't be discriminating, it's stupid, unfair and pointless

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43580 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

Dumb!?Racist!? Re-read what i said. [edit] I don't know why i have a line in my comment.

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43581 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

He said I didn't like to read that someone puted the word "nigger" on there ( i had to read it a few times to xD)

opensource isometric game engine ~ www.avac-engine.blogspot.com
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43582 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

Ya.. I'm just saying.. that shit's getting old.. Black people co-exist same as Asians whites, etc.. learn to live with them.. not to disrespect them... that's why so much violence is in the world now.

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43584 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

You saying black people co-exist now as if they never did before. Before racism white & black people worked together, as far as I know.. And there's a huge difference between saying a word like "nigger" and actually discriminating against somebody for being a different colour. You shouldn't get worked up over that. As Sausage said, it's a paste bin. keyword: bin.

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43586 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

True.. and i posted the two options on what i should do... but me TO YOU... read what was said before commenting?

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43588 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.
Charizard posted: (14th Jul 2010 11:49 am)

True.. and i posted the two options on what i should do... but me TO YOU... read what was said before commenting?

Yeah I'm sorry I misread your post, but the point stands.

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #43590 Re: Admin's for Pastebin.

 Agreed. I apologize also.

14 years, 25 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Admin's for Pastebin.