EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.
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Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.
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Post #4572 Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Here you go people. Have an Endless Online game launcher application to make server selection easy!

To install, simply extract the zip file into your EO folder.

Running EOLaunch rather than Endless when you want to play will allow you to first select the server you want to play from Vults official main or test server; or any online EOServ/Seose server that has SLN turned on. =]

Download here


EDIT: Oh and btw. I only test on XP and Vista so don't complain if your OS is over 10 years old. =S

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4573 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

wow, good job sordie this is magnificent keep up the good work.

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4574 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

nice :D

I forgot what I was going to write...
15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4577 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Just a quick change. I fixed some scroll bar issues with big lists and added a feature: Hold SHIFT down when starting to bypass the "Server Selection" and just launch the game (Still multiclients).
Same download link.

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4581 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Just a notice, Although I doub't it even effects you. It doesn't work on the first try with Windows Server 2008, It will crash the time you click "Play Game" but if you just click "Close Program" and then reopen it, it will work fine. :)

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4584 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.
You shouldn't grey out the empty servers, people could mistake it for "offline".
Also, before you select any servers the text ServerTitleLink sits where the server name usually is. :P
Also also, on my theme at least, the column "Online Players" is a few pixels too thin to fit the header text.

Edit: Not to leave this post completely full of negativeness, here's an icon list :P

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4592 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Default icon for servers with zero players online is now 7 (the cresent moon).
"ServerTitleLink" text fixed (Silly CreateWindowExW params).
"Online Players" column widened. (But it will stil mess up with silly theme settings =D)

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4594 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Nice share!
I'm using it now! :D

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4596 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Yo i like it. I using it right now :)

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4598 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Yet another update =D. It now gets the main/test online count. Thanks to Sausage for this <3 Seems all my software is completely dependent on his services. =D

Loading the main/test player list does make populating the server list a little longer but you can disable it by commenting out the ServerNPlayers entries in the EOLaunch.ini file.

EDIT: Added "Double clicking" to the server list and the list now updates as it loads.

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4636 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Hey mate uhmmm
can you fix the EODemon Server on the list?
cause I see it online but its not on the list....

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4637 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.
Razor posted: (25th Apr 2009 11:22 am)

Hey mate uhmmm
can you fix the EODemon Server on the list?
cause I see it online but its not on the list....

Any server that correctly impliments SLN will appear on the list.

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #37478 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Doesn't work!! When I open up EOLaunch and I click Main.Endless-Online then press Play and it says: 

Endless File Protection Error (#442)                                                                     Some files are missing or corrupted Corrupt file: .\data\dat001.edf

Please, completely uninstall Endless Online and re-install the correct client version.

Goto: http://www.endless-online.com                                                                                                                         

14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #43360 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

How do I change the icon for static servers?

14 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #49720 Re: Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.

Yo dudes, thanks for this hack BUT when i load up the EO Client [Your One] It loads but then dosent display the servers, i rebooted my comp but it still dnt work D: LOVE YOU GUYS :D

14 years, 26 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Game launcher with SLN and multiclient support.