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Uruguay v netherlands- LIVE!
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Post #42440 Uruguay v netherlands- LIVE!

                                               Uruguay v netherlands


Who's gona win? 

Watch live here- http://g.sports.yahoo.com/soccer/world-cup/schedule/uruguay-v-netherlands-61.html


I noticed when I walked in the room went dark somebody better call the police there's a guy here
with no heart he said he goes by the name of TechNo he's on a war path and he said if anybody
touches the crown he's gonna tear them apart and a grime MC was telling me I kill them and i put
them in a cemetery!
14 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #42517 Re: Uruguay v netherlands- LIVE!

hehe Nederlands WON WOHOOOOOO :P


opensource isometric game engine ~ www.avac-engine.blogspot.com
14 years, 26 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Uruguay v netherlands- LIVE!