EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Copyright: just so you all know..
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Copyright: just so you all know..
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Post #41799 Copyright: just so you all know..

that this is why Sausage will never allow copyrighted material to be used on this site:


(I'm not advertising lol, the site has been seized XD)

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #41801 Re: Copyright: just so you all know..

That's what happens when a government becomes butt buddies with the film and music industry.

14 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #41802 Re: Copyright: just so you all know..

I was sexualy exixted when you posted this.

I'm going to say this once. Every one that has "illgeal* meterial on there website, they keep back ups.

Here is a link to it's working one.


Sausage just delete my link if youd like.

EDIT: I know. you could have just taken it off. ;[

14 years, 26 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Copyright: just so you all know..