EOSERV Forum > Lounge > EO.Addon request/question.
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EO.Addon request/question.
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Post #41488 Re: EO.Addon request/question.
hotdog posted: (29th Jun 2010 04:13 am)


Please actually voice oppinions on this, I really would appreaciate it.

Your best bet is to ask in eoserv.

@microchip, lmao he is comparing it in the sense that it doesn't get updated or moderated, not in the sense that there is 300+ people on.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #41561 Re: EO.Addon request/question.

My bad hotdog.

Anyway, i like the idea of something like this.

When i did play EOR i liked the way stats showed for the item you hovered over.

The people of eoserv could take a lot of ideas from Cascade. And im honestly surprised more of the systems from EOR havnt been remade for eoserv yet.

14 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #41605 Re: EO.Addon request/question.

well alot of what makes cascades eor better than endless is client sided...And yes =] 

This is what happens now... "Feck, Finally got this blade and it requires lvl 3...fml...".

This is what could happen...."Feck, Finally got this blade and it requires lvl 3...But wait! it does 30-60 damage and adds 3str! I must train harder and contribute to this server in order to see my awesome damage =D"

14 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #41754 Re: EO.Addon request/question.

Next person to talk about EOR in this thread gets slapped.

Yes it's possible to do pretty much anything with EO.Addons. I'm spending much less time on EO related projects now though. Sorry. Maybe a rainy day project =P.

14 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #41758 Re: EO.Addon request/question.

sordie, i got a question. can you maybe explain a little more how EO.Addons are working? because i readed the topic but i dont really understand how it's possible that a EO.addon just can change something in the client.

also can you change everything to the client size of eo you want?

opensource isometric game engine ~ www.avac-engine.blogspot.com
14 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #41792 Re: EO.Addon request/question.
Sordie posted: (1st Jul 2010 10:35 am)

Next person to talk about EOR in this thread gets slapped.

Yes it's possible to do pretty much anything with EO.Addons. I'm spending much less time on EO related projects now though. Sorry. Maybe a rainy day project =P.

Aha okay then, thanks anyway =] It rains alot in the uk so im hopeful XD

@Clive, Its probably something to do with hooking a dll into an application, listening on its threads and rewriting the process memory...

14 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #41796 Re: EO.Addon request/question.
hotdog posted: (1st Jul 2010 11:25 pm)

Sordie posted: (1st Jul 2010 10:35 am)

Next person to talk about EOR in this thread gets slapped.

Yes it's possible to do pretty much anything with EO.Addons. I'm spending much less time on EO related projects now though. Sorry. Maybe a rainy day project =P.

Aha okay then, thanks anyway =] It rains alot in the uk so im hopeful XD

@Clive, Its probably something to do with hooking a dll into an application, listening on its threads and rewriting the process memory...

It doesn't always rain in the UK. It's summer at the moement and it's really hot. A rainy day won't be for a few more months yet.

I do belive that it's msimg32.dll that messes with the client so that sordie has her addons :)

Information that I found when using our trusted friend Google.

"msimg32.dll is a process belonging to the Windows program . msimg32.dll is the extension component for Windows GDI that contains new APIs to improve the GDI32 functionality."
I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 38 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > EO.Addon request/question.