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Cocaine Mummies
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Post #40956 Cocaine Mummies

Alright, so im doing an essay in ancient history about cocaine mummies. I would love to hear peoples opinion on what they think of the discovery.

Heres my introduction that summarises basically what im studying.

"In the nineties, the Egyptian museum in Munich initiated a research project to find out if the ancient Egyptians had consumed a lotus flower. Dr Svetla Balabanova, found instead of a lotus flower inside the Egyptian mummies traces of nicotine and cocaine. Such drugs come from the tobacco and coca plants respectively, plants that existed only in the Americas and were unknown before Columbus discovered America. This raises the question. Did Egyptians have contact with America before Columbus discovered it? In this essay we will be discussing the reasons for and against such a discovery and the possibillities of howthe mummies were found with cocaine."

14 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #40967 Re: Cocaine Mummies

That's how they kept them working; so they could get their fix. xD

14 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #41233 Re: Cocaine Mummies

Rofl well im intrigued by it, but I can't seem to understand why no one hasn't come to terms with such a possibillity =/

14 years, 27 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Cocaine Mummies