
Joined: 6th Jun 2010
Posts: 86
Rate the Eoserv Staff
Administrator Sausage 26th Jul 2008 09:03 am
Administrator Scott 4th Sep 2008 03:07 am
Administrator Sordie 3rd Apr 2009 01:59 pm
Moderator Plasmastar 26th Jul 2008 09:03 am
Moderator Addison 24th Mar 2009 02:30 am
Moderator Apollo 14th Apr 2009 12:26 am
Moderator kenobi13 3rd Jun 2009 01:12 pm
Please dont post abusive or hateful comments/rates will lead that any of them will 1- you.
Only ones your not allowed to rate is Sausage and Sordie i dont see why you should actually rate them since they developed SEOSE and EOSERV.
1+ Very helpful and a good mod, Nice support forum he made for kalandra.
1+ Full of ideas add alot to the eoserv community.
0+ He helps the eoserv community dont know about him much tho although he can be ubar nice and i dont knowing him.
0+ Dont know him either but i see he random comes helping the forums tho.
1- Dont like him, Dont have good stuff to say, End of discussion.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 4th Sep 2008
Posts: 1806
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
I didn't remember this so I looked at your ratings and it's not there. If you have proof of this post it, otherwise stop spreading libel.
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 13th Mar 2009
Posts: 205
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Kenobi13: 1+
Very nice guy, a polak too :P
Apollo: 1+
He did alot for the EOSERV.
Addison: 0
I don't know him too much, but he's fine
Plasmastar: 1+
he's nice too :)
Scott: 0
Look at your ratings before you talk things like that about him. Don't hate him because he rated you -1 twice for pointless posts :P
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 26th Mar 2009
Posts: 1391
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
0, Never heard of him
1, Pretty good with support topics, polite.
2, From what I've seen Addison is teh 1337 sauce (very good with support, and very polite)
1, Don't see him on here much, but he is good with support on EOHax, so I don't see why he'd be different here.
1, Good with support, but can be a bit short at times.
1, Helpful when he wants to be, I guess
-3. But then again I'm biased due to the fact that he blatantly disrespected and insulted me and my career. Other than that, he's decent with support, and somewhat polite (to people he likes).
May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 4th Sep 2008
Posts: 1806
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Syran posted: (24th Jun 2010 07:37 pm)
0, Never heard of him
1, Pretty good with support topics, polite.
2, From what I've seen Addison is teh 1337 sauce (very good with support, and very polite)
1, Don't see him on here much, but he is good with support on EOHax, so I don't see why he'd be different here.
1, Good with support, but can be a bit short at times.
1, Helpful when he wants to be, I guess
-3. But then again I'm biased due to the fact that he blatantly disrespected and insulted me and my career. Other than that, he's decent with support, and somewhat polite (to people he likes).
If I recall correcty, I'm not the only who criticized you for supporting a government that used you in an experiment and had you thinking you would learn to "hack" and make "security holes" when one doesn't exist.
I thought I'd add I don't support the United States government for several reasons and furthermore I do not support the Army, Marines, etc. due to the discriminatory policies regarding non-heterosexual applicants. I believe my opinion is valid. =P
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 26th Mar 2009
Posts: 1391
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Scott posted: (24th Jun 2010 07:40 pm)
Syran posted: (24th Jun 2010 07:37 pm)
0, Never heard of him
1, Pretty good with support topics, polite.
2, From what I've seen Addison is teh 1337 sauce (very good with support, and very polite)
1, Don't see him on here much, but he is good with support on EOHax, so I don't see why he'd be different here.
1, Good with support, but can be a bit short at times.
1, Helpful when he wants to be, I guess
-3. But then again I'm biased due to the fact that he blatantly disrespected and insulted me and my career. Other than that, he's decent with support, and somewhat polite (to people he likes).
If I recall correcty, I'm not the only who criticized you for supporting a government that used you in an experiment and had you thinking you would learn to "hack" and make "security holes" when one doesn't exist.
I was disappointed. I was indeed used, I admit to that. The experiment in question was a very cruel game, but I recovered. Anyways, back on topic, I'm not entirely sure how to get back on topic from this point, so I'll drop this post here.
May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 26th Jul 2008
Posts: 1346
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
- Sausage: Too fed up with all your utter faggotry to even bother reading 90% of posts
- Scott: Thinks running a board like Kimmo is going to make people want to stay. Has way too much of an agenda to be a fair moderator.
- Sordie: Spends way too much time here. Is probably too a little harsh on the ratings (as everyone else is). At least is in possession of a moral compass.
- Plasmastar: Never does a fucking thing, but he cries if I de-mod him.
- Addison: This guy is still exists? I see him once a week when he wants to use me as his personal tech support.
- Apollo: Vodka and EOSERV are all that runs through this man's veins. The drinking allows him to tolerate you so you can cause him to drink more. Still manages to be the closest thing we have to sanity.
- kenobi13: Nothing much to say yet. He's Polish, he hangs around, and he's not utterly retarded.
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 18th Nov 2009
Posts: 497
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Sausage: 0/+1 - Don't see him post much, But if he does he posts something quite usefull or brings a bit life in this forum.
Sordie: +1 - Very active, strict.. Although sometimes abit to strict, makes posts when they're needed.
Scott: 0/-1 - Extremely strict, doesn't give warnings but gives answers on peoples questions.(You make me 3x check my topics)
Kenobi13: 0 - Haven't seen you posting much lately.
Plasmastar: 0 - Haven't seen you posting much either.
Apollo: +1 - All ur posts are helpfull (atleast what I saw) to bad ur not on the forums often.
Addison: 0/+1 - Very helpfull, doesnt post very often though.
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 9th Jul 2010
Posts: 1400
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Sausage: +1 Programmer of EOSERV, Doesn't post much, but when he does its normally something important
Scott: -2 Too harsh. Way too strict. He takes things into the extreme.
Sordie: +1 Programmer of Seose, Posts regularly, and knows what she's talking about when she posts something. She's helping this forum alot.
Addison: 0 Doesn't post much but can be helpful when he wants to.
Apollo: +2 Very Helpful to the forums. I'd give him a +3 if he would post more often, but yes, Very helpful.
Plasmastar: 0 Never is on the forums. Only comes on once and awhile and makes comments
Kenobi13: +2 Helpful to the forums, Isn't too strict, knows what he's talking about, And he's 1 of my favorite admins.
Favorite admins!
7.The next admin/mod
8.And the next admin/mod
9.Scott =P
Create your own destiny, don't let someone else do it for you.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
I'm only rating Sausage and Scott, as there the main people.
Sausage: +5, He created EoServ. :]. He Is great he actually knows how to use the -s +s rating system.
Scott: -5 He has no idea how to use the -s +s system, he never helps, [removed by Scott] not saying i don't like gays i got a friend thats gay.
Nvm I'll add Sordie.:
She helps only with Eoserv, I think that's stupid..
She rates someone when they give the wrong information, but still doesn't help.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 7th Jun 2010
Posts: 2424
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Scott: +1 I've never seen him place a minus on someone that didn't deserve it. Yea he can be harsh at times but rules are rules and he will minus you for breaking them. If you think he's harsh then you wouldn't like me as I'm a pain with people breaking rules.
Addison: +2 He's helped me alot with various things. I would have gave him a +3/4 but he's not been around latly.
Apollo: +3 He's really helpful and He's always online. I don't go annoying him on MSN but he's never off that either LOL.
Plasmastar: 0 I have not seen him on the forums much and I've only seen him a few times on IRC.
Kenobi13: 0 I'm quite sure I'll give him a rating but as of yet I don't have a valid reason to as I've not seen many of his posts. He uses the rating system perfectly so he's alright in my books.
That is what I think anyways :)
I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 14th Jul 2009
Posts: 1737
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
0, Don't know much about him, actively posting alot.
1, Seems to be level-headed, although maybe a little dull?
1, enthusiastic for a while, now hes afk.
0, Don't know much about plas' at all.
2, I can't say I agree with her manner, but she gives educated answers which are often interesting and sometimes fun to read.
2, Almost completely unpredictable, except when he ownz people and stalls projects.
1. I have to be fair and say I've met gays that are completely in-tolerable, you aren't one of them. But you are a taker, not a giver.
2. Dismissed as a mod, but I would commend his frequent activity, objectively helping and sharing.
2. Dismissed as a mod. I would say 3, so I'll take 1 point for the possible biased grade. Polite, helpful, likes to speculate and experiment.
Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 14th Apr 2009
Posts: 2759
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Sausage: Proven to be both a great programmer and an even better procrastinator.
Sordie: Brilliant, outspoken, sometimes harsh on the less than brilliant. Very helpful overall.
Addison: Knowledgeable and very helpful. One server should be very thankful for him...
Apollo: Tries to be insightful rather than coding for people. Helpful and yes posts often (900+).
Plasmastar: Replies to posts occasionally, tests servers firewall abilities when he's bored :P
Kenobi13: Don't underestimate this guy, he knows what he's doing and is very helpful.
Scott: Doesn't put up with a lot of BS, and quick to save the forum from garbage that keeps forums from becoming what vult-r has let happen to the forums. If you got a "-" you probably deserved it.
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 3rd Aug 2008
Posts: 428
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Ugh endless online forums make me shiver.. Anyway back on topic,
Apollo:Very helpful and trys alot to help the community.
Scott: Hell, he might be a bitch but every '-' ive seen him deal is deserved.
Kenobi13: Don't know him very can't judge.
Plasmastar: My god =]
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 22nd Apr 2009
Posts: 2190
Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Sausage: +2 - Without him EOSERV Wouldn't exist. And for my opinion, he actually posts things that make sense.
Sordie: +1 - Although she seems to dislike me, She sure is a great help to this community.
Scott: +1 - Scott, A great help in the past (maybe still) if it has to do with Portforwarding or Webdesign (As far as I know)
Kenobi13: +1 - Sure has given some great releases.
Plasmastar: +1 - For being nice ;p
Apollo: +1 - Without Apollo no-one basically had spells. Thanks to him I could start with my first Heal Self a while ago.
Addison: +1 - Also has given some great releases + the help he provides.
"Pineapples and shit."
14 years, 39 weeks ago
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