Weeeell, i think i'm the first to say this, but i vote for a Wii! ^^ sordie, the wii+ isnt crappy at all. It responds faster than both kinect and PSMove. and if you've played wii resort, you know its hella trippy playing the sword fighting, its spot on.
Plus, ninendo has won the votes at E3 '10 and has some AMAZING games coming out. Donkey Kong Country Returns!!! and they new kirby game. They only thing a wii needs is better graphics and just more console features.
If your bent on just war games like CoD. I'd recommend PS3, they sounds are better, Graphics are better, and free online. The only reason that i would buy an xBox is for ONE FRIGGEN GAME! and its tearing me up cause i played the Halo reach demo and it was even better than CoD. but i dunt wanna
waste my money on online when its free on the other <=(
Buuuut, Little Big Planet 2 > CoD anyways so who cares =D