Scott posted: (20th Jun 2010 01:30 am)
Desmond Taylor posted: (20th Jun 2010 01:27 am)
Ok, Cheers Scott.
I've got it to connect to the server but it's the packets that I'm lost on as they are all encrypted lol. I just wan't to build a basic bot structure and realease it for others to make bots for both EOServ and Seose.
This sounds like an awful idea. The bots on main do nothing but spam. =P
That's very true, I was thinking more of a trivia bot kinda thing. But yea you could just see people being
stupid and creating a spam bot. Now I'm in a debate with myself on if I should release a library instead with the commands in so that ideotic people can't mess with spamming
The bot would need admin access to use most of it's features so making a spam bot for you're own server would be stupid as it's you're own server! lol
The bot would need admin access do to using admin commands so you could make a bot auto kick for idk breaking a rule that the bot knows about ie: swearing.
I still have to get this working yet :(
I am an alien and not crazy!