EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]
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Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]
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Post #40388 Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]

I have no clue where to post this but hopefully it's ok to post in this forum as it's either Lounge, EOServ or Seose.

I am attempting to make an open source bot structure for EOServ. I have it connecting to the server but using the winsock send() function is where I am confused.

Does anyone know what data EOServ takes?

Sorry again if this is in the wrong section or not even supposed to be on here at all. I can't think of anywhere better to post it since it's somthing that is being wrote for EO Servers and I'm sure that someone on here knows what data i'm suposed to be sending.

The bot structure will be a bunch of functions that are used to send and receive data from the server. (Could even be a Quiz bot that gives you prizes for getting the correct answer)

I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #40429 Re: Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]

You might be able to talk Jimmyee into giving you the EOBot source. You can catch him in #eohax on irc.tehsausage.com at times.

14 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #40433 Re: Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]

Ok, Cheers Scott.

I've got it to connect to the server but it's the packets that I'm lost on as they are all encrypted lol. I just wan't to build a basic bot structure and realease it for others to make bots for both EOServ and Seose.

I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #40434 Re: Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]
Desmond Taylor posted: (20th Jun 2010 01:27 am)

Ok, Cheers Scott.

I've got it to connect to the server but it's the packets that I'm lost on as they are all encrypted lol. I just wan't to build a basic bot structure and realease it for others to make bots for both EOServ and Seose.

This sounds like an awful idea. The bots on main do nothing but spam. =P
14 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #40435 Re: Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]
Scott posted: (20th Jun 2010 01:30 am)

Desmond Taylor posted: (20th Jun 2010 01:27 am)

Ok, Cheers Scott.

I've got it to connect to the server but it's the packets that I'm lost on as they are all encrypted lol. I just wan't to build a basic bot structure and realease it for others to make bots for both EOServ and Seose.

This sounds like an awful idea. The bots on main do nothing but spam. =P

That's very true, I was thinking more of a trivia bot kinda thing. But yea you could just see people being stupid and creating a spam bot. Now I'm in a debate with myself on if I should release a library instead with the commands in so that ideotic people can't mess with spamming theplace.

The bot would need admin access to use most of it's features so making a spam bot for you're own server would be stupid as it's you're own server! lol

The bot would need admin access do to using admin commands so you could make a bot auto kick for idk breaking a rule that the bot knows about ie: swearing.

I still have to get this working yet :(
I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #40997 Re: Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]

I've been wanting to make a bot as well, mainly for saving on Kalandra..

One question.. why are you using winsock 2.2?

Even vb6 uses winsock 6.0..

14 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #40998 Re: Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]

I think better idea is make built-in bot for EOSERV and add a section in config for that. You could set lots of bots walking around to bring players to your server :P 

14 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #41021 Re: Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]

That's what I've started to try Jimmy :)

@faded Because when I googled "Winsock C++" it told me to use Winsock 2.2 :P

I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 27 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Server Bot in C++ using Winsock 2.2 - [Not Working]