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What is the point?
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Post #39961 What is the point?

what is the point playing Eo or making servers. What will you get out off this, you people are wasting your time. As i played eo for 4 year my eyesight gone weaker now i regret this but somehow i cant stop playing eo or making eoserv i dont know why i also tried quiting eo but i CANT!!!!. 

I noticed when I walked in the room went dark somebody better call the police there's a guy here
with no heart he said he goes by the name of TechNo he's on a war path and he said if anybody
touches the crown he's gonna tear them apart and a grime MC was telling me I kill them and i put
them in a cemetery!
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39962 Re: What is the point?

EO has the weird way of addiction, you can do different things. If you see EO as a waste of time then think about this. Why do you sleep? Why are you making weird noises.. or am I the only one that does that? Why did you waste time on making that post? There alot of things you can see as a waste of time. Or is it? Can you either learn? I guess so. I knew nothing about c++ but after 1 year plus a few months working with eoserv my sight on c++ really improved you learn new things. Its rather fun to waste your time at EO talking with friends or coding then just staring for I don't know how many hours. As everybody has his opinion on this. This is mine.

"Pineapples and shit."
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39964 Re: What is the point?

Whats the point?

Getting to know more people, if you have problems in real life or really busy you can take a break and go on EO.

After quite some time, I learned to "pixel" I do it as hobby and like to help people.

It's all because I've player Endless Online, if I didnt play EO I wouldnt have learned it.

I made allot of people/servers happy with a few stuff I made and posted.

That's my point.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39973 Re: What is the point?

I like to entertain, and learn about Seose, Eoserv, Help people out, and get helped, to learn from your mistakes in life,

Nothing is a waste of time if YOU enjoy it.

If you've ever had a PS3 or Xbox360 and play COD4-6 ever watch them youtube videos?

the people that are on there a lot?

I'm getting into that, To me it's fun, To some it isn't

Thats my point.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39994 Re: What is the point?

YH but what will u get out of this. This is just a waste of your life as where you just cant become doctor or what ever you want by knowing C++ lol. I mean this game is for like for 10 to 13 year old children's. I bet some of you here are 20 or 21 who still plays this game (WoW). 

Do u people want to be Nerd by sitting on computer all day Learning C++ lol? (Thatz just Low)

why cant you people over 18 get a car and get a girl! or something? 

(As for sordie i bet people will die to go out with her If she give up C++ and computer lol)  
I noticed when I walked in the room went dark somebody better call the police there's a guy here
with no heart he said he goes by the name of TechNo he's on a war path and he said if anybody
touches the crown he's gonna tear them apart and a grime MC was telling me I kill them and i put
them in a cemetery!
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39999 Re: What is the point?

You're an asshole, If people here went to school, then they could actually learn C++ and be a programmer and make more money then most people It's like 35+$ an hour depending where you live.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40003 Re: What is the point?

lol i dont think there is a demand of  Programmers these days as there are to many!!! and any one can become a programmer where the other job e.g Doctor its takes courage to become one!!! as i think i will be a doctor because i am doing Triple science and i am getting A and B+ =D   

I noticed when I walked in the room went dark somebody better call the police there's a guy here
with no heart he said he goes by the name of TechNo he's on a war path and he said if anybody
touches the crown he's gonna tear them apart and a grime MC was telling me I kill them and i put
them in a cemetery!
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40008 Re: What is the point?
techNo posted: (16th Jun 2010 06:39 pm)

YH but what will u get out of this. This is just a waste of your life as where you just cant become doctor or what ever you want by knowing C++ lol. I mean this game is for like for 10 to 13 year old children's. I bet some of you here are 20 or 21 who still plays this game (WoW). 

Do u people want to be Nerd by sitting on computer all day Learning C++ lol? (Thatz just Low)

why cant you people over 18 get a car and get a girl! or something? 

(As for sordie i bet people will die to go out with her If she give up C++ and computer lol)  

I'm 18 and I play WoW. I have cast off physical affection, as it only leads to pain. Love and infatuation are the feelings of lesser beings than myself.

Programming is a good hobby. It's a way to relieve boredom.

I don't want to get a car, because in a few months I will be going overseas on a ship, as I am in the US Navy.

Sordie is married with a child.

How does becoming a doctor require courage? It basically requires having a large ego, an over-enthusiasm for studying, and being able to stand the sight of blood and gore. If programmers didn't exist, heart monitors, IV machines, defibrillators, and many other medical tools would not exist.

Would you like to reconsider your previous posts?

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40010 Re: What is the point?

I'm 25 and I don't see it being much of a waste as long as you're not sitting in front of you're computer all day. I only code or play when I have nothing else to do.

Other times I'm either:
House Work
Job Hunting
Course Work
Hanging with friends

It leaves me about 6 hours a day to still code or play games thefore it's not a waste if you set you're day up correctly and not just wake up thinking "Oh, I'm gonna go strait on my PC and mess about" if anyone does that then that's a waste of their life as all they think about is computers. If youcan channel yourself away from the PC when you wake up then you can achive alot more than you think you can.

In my spare time I have learned the following.
Playing the guitar
Playing the keyboard
C++ (Current Learning)
Violin (Current Learning)

If I can manage to do all that and leave school at 13 then I'm sure you can do it to. Just put you're mind into what you need to learn and not what you wan't to learn. Job wize, since I left school at an early age, I've had to go to college and learn Maths and English. My maths is alot better thanmy English but that's ok by me as I use maths alot more than English when it comes to a working respective.

I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40012 Re: What is the point?
Desmond Taylor posted: (16th Jun 2010 07:46 pm)

I'm 25 and I don't see it being much of a waste as long as you're not sitting in front of you're computer all day. I only code or play when I have nothing else to do.

Other times I'm either:
House Work
Job Hunting
Course Work
Hanging with friends

It leaves me about 6 hours a day to still code or play games thefore it's not a waste if you set you're day up correctly and not just wake up thinking "Oh, I'm gonna go strait on my PC and mess about" if anyone does that then that's a waste of their life as all they think about is computers. Ifyoucan channel yourself away from the PC when you wake up then you can achive alot more than you think you can.

In my spare time I have learned the following.
Playing the guitar
Playing the keyboard
C++ (Current Learning)
Violin (Current Learning)

If I can manage to do all that and leave school at 13 then I'm sure you can do it to. Just put you're mind into what you need to learn and not what you wan't to learn. Job wize, since I left school at an early age, I've had to go to college and learn Maths and English. My maths is alot betterthanmy English but that's ok by me as I use maths alot more than English when it comes to a working respective.

Yeah but your not human, your epics :P
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40015 Re: What is the point?
techNo posted: (16th Jun 2010 06:39 pm)

(As for sordie i bet people will die to go out with her If she give up C++ and computer lol)  

Hehe. How could I not comment on this?....

People would die to go out with me IF I gave up programming/computers? if? IF!?!? So what, being a programmer instantly makes people repulsive? And even if this was true, why would anyone try to change who they are just to make people like them? Be yourself!

I'm a computer geek. It's that simple. Either like it or hit the road. I'm not about to give up who I am just to "go out" with people. I'm not that shallow or desperate. Also, if I did it would really piss my husband off XD

Mmm.. now you have me thinking about if it's true that guys like girls with an IQ lower than their own. Just out of interest lets have a poll:

Guys, you meet two girls. Both are identical in every way; looks, sense of humour, etc.. The only difference is one is a geek and the other is a bit "dizzy". Who'd you go for?

EDIT: Oh btw thanks. That's actually the nicest compliment I've had all day XD

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40016 Re: What is the point?
microchip posted: (16th Jun 2010 07:50 pm)

Desmond Taylor posted: (16th Jun 2010 07:46 pm)

I'm 25 and I don't see it being much of a waste as long as you're not sitting in front of you're computer all day. I only code or play when I have nothing else to do.

Other times I'm either:
House Work
Job Hunting
Course Work
Hanging with friends

It leaves me about 6 hours a day to still code or play games thefore it's not a waste if you set you're day up correctly and not just wake up thinking "Oh, I'm gonna go strait on my PC and mess about" if anyone does that then that's a waste of their life as all they think about iscomputers.Ifyoucanchannel yourself away from the PC when you wake up then you can achive alot more than you think you can.

In my spare time I have learned the following.
Playing the guitar
Playing the keyboard
C++ (Current Learning)
Violin (Current Learning)

If I can manage to do all that and leave school at 13 then I'm sure you can do it to. Just put you're mind into what you need to learn and not what you wan't to learn. Job wize, since I left school at an early age, I've had to go to college and learn Maths and English. My maths isalotbetterthanmyEnglish but that's ok by me as I use maths alot more than English when it comes to a working respective.

Yeah but your not human, your epics :P

I'm not epic, I'm not Legend. I'm just a regular person that likes to learn new things and I never give up learning. I will learn untill I am dead and that's the best fact about me that you'll get. The only time I'll stop is if I have a bad accident concerning my head and I end up forgetting itallas that has taken me from when I was 13 to learn it all.

Some people are also slower than others to learn so I don't expect everyone to learn all that plus most of you don't have a reason to learn all that.

C++, VB, Guitar, Keyboard and Violin are for hobbies
HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL are for work.

I am thinking about going back to college to do Buissness and Admin NVQ but because of my age it now costs me. If I knew that a year ago I would have already done it by now :(

I would go with the Geek as then I would at least have someone that won't moan at me alkl the time like my ex did. I would say to her, I'll be up in about 10 minutes as I need to get this last part done for my boss in the morning and it would turn into an argument every single time. I left her inthe end as she drove me nuts and I couldn't just leave what I was doing as it was for work. Back then I had too many meetings to go to so the work was done in my own spare time and it sometimes went on untill 12am but no she couldn't wait for 10 minutes :(
I am an alien and not crazy!
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40029 Re: What is the point?

Your welcome sordie!!! =D and ppl thankyou for posting.... I just wanted to know... so please Do Not Mind about this!!

 Sorry if i Offended any one I didn't mean too because by reading those post I can see that some people took it very seriously!!!!  

I noticed when I walked in the room went dark somebody better call the police there's a guy here
with no heart he said he goes by the name of TechNo he's on a war path and he said if anybody
touches the crown he's gonna tear them apart and a grime MC was telling me I kill them and i put
them in a cemetery!
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40072 Re: What is the point?

Im 34, haha jk. I don't see this as waste of time. I actually enjoy EO, (except main *got hacked 4 times xD). Its fun to make maps for servers and see how the players actually like them. When I did my videos for FE, I didnt really see it as a job or anything. The first thing that came to my mind was, "wow, this is an awesome server!". I wasn't use to seeing any servers with what FE had at the time, (most servers were seose and were exactly like main) SO i just made a video that I enjoyed making. I look back and don't see it as wasting 7-11 hours on each video I make. I see it more as a product of fun? I don't know what I'm trying to get across but that even though I got hacked 4 times, I still play EO and I don't see it as a waste of time. 

EOServ Class: Main Player, Mapping Artist, Oldbie
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #40101 Re: What is the point?
Sordie posted: (16th Jun 2010 08:06 pm)

techNo posted: (16th Jun 2010 06:39 pm)

(As for sordie i bet people will die to go out with her If she give up C++ and computer lol)  

Hehe. How could I not comment on this?....

People would die to go out with me IF I gave up programming/computers? if? IF!?!? So what, being a programmer instantly makes people repulsive? And even if this was true, why would anyone try to change who they are just to make people like them? Be yourself!

I'm a computer geek. It's that simple. Either like it or hit the road. I'm not about to give up who I am just to "go out" with people. I'm not that shallow or desperate. Also, if I did it would really piss my husband off XD

Mmm.. now you have me thinking about if it's true that guys like girls with an IQ lower than their own. Just out of interest lets have a poll:

Guys, you meet two girls. Both are identical in every way; looks, sense of humour, etc.. The only difference is one is a geek and the other is a bit "dizzy". Who'd you go for?

EDIT: Oh btw thanks. That's actually the nicest compliment I've had all day XD

I'd go for the dizzy one D: They forget things much quicker ;]

"Pineapples and shit."
14 years, 28 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > What is the point?