i delete'd the httP://eoserv thingie and umm but this is a other error im getting --- 06/15/10 09:48:25 ---
[ERR] A required table is missing. (Have you executed install.sql?)
[ERR] no such table: accounts
## SLN ##
## SLN
# Enable or disable SLN
# NOTE: This will put your webserver on a publicly viewable list of servers
SLN = 1
# URL of SLN server
SLNURL = https://eoserv.net/SLN/
## SLNHost
# Hostname that resolves to your server
# Leave it blank to use your IP address
SLNHost =
## SLNSite
# Website for your server
# Leave it blank if you don't have one
SLNSite =
## ServerName
# Common name of your server
ServerName = Untitled Server