EOSERV Forum > Lounge > 2012 yes or no?
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2012 yes or no?
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Post #39393 2012 yes or no?

Do you think this is totally bull?

my answer is yes, this isn't the first time people said the world was going to end and they were wrong.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39414 Re: 2012 yes or no?


December 21, 2012 is simply the first day of the 14th b'ak'tun.

B'ak'tun 144,000 days serie =D

Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39422 Re: 2012 yes or no?

its all bullshit alot of people still believe it and i think there retards

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39425 Re: 2012 yes or no?

Personally, I reckon it won't happen but at the same time I guess people are entitled to there own opinions and beliefs about the matter.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39430 Re: 2012 yes or no?

Agreed skulled lol.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39431 Re: 2012 yes or no?

Yeah it will come has shitty as that might be, but none of his will be here.

Global warming is still going on, and is just going to get worse and worse.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39432 Re: 2012 yes or no?

lol i would never beleive this...

i can't beleive some people are spending their life to confront a very unlikely event, after many changes in dates when it "could" happen they kept beleiving.

like last year they redid calculations of the maya calendar (this myth is based on the end of the maya calendar) and where confronted with the fact the date is wrong and would happen years after the date your mentioning (claimed by beleivers  to be the right date after like 30 changes). isaw films about people actually buying 100s of family emergency life resources only for themselves and telling this is for their "last day on earth"... the film was also shocking bout people committing suicide last time the date was close..(i think early 2000) the film mentioned a suicide rise of2% of that month in our country already.. it's sad for the people who died on this hoax, it's said for people to continue beleiving this.

but this is all my idea of this myth, i do not wish too start a rage or fight... Cause after all.It's only true if it happened...

but i wonder, why continue to beleive if you have witnessed a "near death experience" for 30 times and nothing really happened...

I have respect for the people who can beleive unlikely events for so long, Respect! And i also feel sorry for the people who bought life emergency food supplies which all prolly have passed the expire date... too bad the sellers don't have a money back garrantee.

good luck on discussing

edit:: @microchip: this might offend people and i am just quoting facts that have been in the news, I don't agree with this either;

in the G-top conference in Copenhagen they pronnounced the research of global warming all over the world..

as it amazed me after reading that report for the first time when they clearly said global warming isn't increasing but decreasing and it's doing that for a couple of years now.  this brings up another theory we could discuss in another topic...(posting topic after this) Another ice age or a boiling earth?

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39433 Re: 2012 yes or no?

just don't worry about it even if it does happen just live life, no use living in fear if it does happen, and how could they even "predict" the world is gonna end?

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39456 Re: 2012 yes or no?

January 1st 2013 me and all my friends are gonna watch the movie 2012 and laugh at all the people who thought this was true
14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39461 Re: 2012 yes or no?

I have a feeling the world is going to end on 2012....but its not by what was said. I think half the worlds going to be in panic and suicide themselves and for the remaining half of the world will think "Oh last year...lets do crime since the worlds going to end anyways" and murder peopleetc.

Actually now that i think about it that way...i doubt even that is going to happen. Yea nvm, 2012 is not going to happen. They only want the economy to fuck up by the scared people.

Owner of Endless Online Insanity
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14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39468 Re: 2012 yes or no?

Lol. 2012 is a marketing hoax. Nothing more then a way to sell more products. We'll all wake up on Dec. 22nd, and be like.. OMG! I'm alive! Then go and laugh at all the non-believers.

I've been actually disputing this for months now, and every time someone's like.. "Well this is going to happen" I turn around with about 200 pages from sites such as NASA's, and various other government funded organizations, proving them wrong.

It's also quite funny how at first... the world was going to end due to a planetary alignment along the galactic plane. This theory was eliminated once someone actually used a telescope. But this all boils down to the day of reckoning, judgment day, etc. So it's once again, Christianity trying to prove God is real. You failed for the last 2000 years and you'll continue to fail.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39472 Re: 2012 yes or no?

Yea the world will end but not at 2012. From what i heard some where, the sun will burn out and then the world/universe will freeze or something but by the time that will happen we'll all be dead anyways.

Owner of Endless Online Insanity
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14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39478 Re: 2012 yes or no?

Lol, the sun isn't due to die for another like 16 million years. Yeah, I don't see us being on this planet if we even manage to live that long.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39809 Re: 2012 yes or no?

@the above two posts.

Stars like our sun actually get hotter and bigger when they get older, not cooler so don't expect that freezing to happen. 

If the sun only had 16 million years left to live everything on this planet would already be dead =P

In about 5.5 billion years time (long after life has already been wiped out on this planet by the heating of the sun boiling the oceans, incinerating everything and stripping the atmosphere) the sun will reach a point where it has used up most of it's hydrogen and it's reduced mass will mean thereisn't enough gravity to hold itself in any more, expanding out to a size hundreds of times bigger than it currently is. This new massive size will easily consume closer planets, including earth, destroying them in it's 100 million celsius helium nuclear furnace.

So, something for us all to look forward too =]

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39810 Re: 2012 yes or no?
Sordie posted: (15th Jun 2010 02:23 am)

@the above two posts.

Stars like our sun actually get hotter and bigger when they get older, not cooler so don't expect that freezing to happen. 

If the sun only had 16 million years left to live everything on this planet would already be dead =P

In about 5.5 billion years time (long after life has already been wiped out on this planet by the heating of the sun boiling the oceans, incinerating everything and stripping the atmosphere) the sun will reach a point where it has used up most of it's hydrogen and it's reduced mass willmeanthereisn't enough gravity to hold itself in any more, expanding out to a size hundreds of times bigger than it currently is. This new massive size will easily consume closer planets, including earth, destroying them in it's 100 million celsius helium nuclear furnace.

So, something for us all to look forward too =]

I wont be able to sleep after this lol

but that seems quite true.

Fate-Gaming/Forgotten Memories Owner.
14 years, 29 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > 2012 yes or no?