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Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
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Post #53010 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Just a suggestion, if you don't like EOSEP, don't play it. If you do, great come play and have fun. I can actually say EOSEP is the only server I've enjoyed since EOMain/Test 4 years ago. I'm an admin on EOSEP and I play the game without cheating, it's that fun. The players are nice and always helpful. New players get help from the higher level players. It's just a fun server. There's no 5396923 hits and NPC's that give 262962 exp.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53012 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Leveling sorta sucks on eosep but its supposed to be hard because as you can compare it to real life, nothing comes easy. So when you finally do get that item youve worked for, its that much awesomer. Is awesomer even a word, scott?

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53013 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
dijirocks posted: (10th Nov 2010 08:31 pm)

Leveling sorta sucks on eosep but its supposed to be hard because as you can compare it to real life, nothing comes easy. So when you finally do get that item youve worked for, its that much awesomer. Is awesomer even a word, scott?

It's not hard to level. You just don't kill 1 NPC and get 10 levels. It's pretty easy if you do the first few quests.
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53014 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
elevations posted: (10th Nov 2010 02:27 pm)

Sorry just had to necro post for this


It's been like that for a few days now and even i thought it would seriously spark off but looks like we were all wrong.

Thats if you want to say rena's windows 2003 server is the issue we go down all the time and usually have 20 on.

@ apollo there doesn't even seem to be a dozen on

Did you say something?

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53015 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

That is an interesting picture. It shows Elevations still has that "one" bot. Seriously, if you are going to use drone players, make their admin icon = 20(if you know how). Doing so ignores them on SLN. If you can't figure out the icon, you should remove the bot.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53016 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
kenobi13 posted: (10th Nov 2010 08:35 pm)

elevations posted: (10th Nov 2010 02:27 pm)

Sorry just had to necro post for this


It's been like that for a few days now and even i thought it would seriously spark off but looks like we were all wrong.

Thats if you want to say rena's windows 2003 server is the issue we go down all the time and usually have 20 on.

@ apollo there doesn't even seem to be a dozen on

Did you say something?

Yes i did. Was a server reboot to get rid of "Plasmastar / Plasmafag" after loging in and DoS'ing his ip everywhere.


14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53017 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

That topic supposed to made for a reason. a fair compare between 2 servers. You all talk about " i am cool, no you are not, yes i am, i got 10 people online, oh your server is stupit with stupit people, i got my own client, but i got quests, so you not cool, Oh i got 1 more player than you, so you suck" and all these..... I believe the purpose of the SLN is not to show which server is better. but give a change for someone to choose or to try them all. A seose server without quests, and custom client, might be better than FE or BU or Renas or whatever. Because each server is diferent. If i make a server with wild west theme, are you all gonna play? No. Because some people like wild west, others no. Each server got his own theme, diferend players, diferend quests, stupit people or less stupit people (because stupit people are everywhere). You all spent so much time on that topic and you lost the idea of the first post. People of forum, learn to respect all people who spent their time on their servers, and for each owner his server will be the best by his opinion. And everyone in here try to do his best with his own way, coding or pixeling or mapping or testing. Learn to play fair and give fair battles. And respect them all.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53018 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

I see 21 players (22 - 1 bot) vs 21 on EOSEP (bots on SLN are illegal and shouldn't count toward your total number of players). 

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53023 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
Apollo posted: (10th Nov 2010 08:54 pm)

I see 26 players (27 - 1 bot) vs 16 on EOSEP. Still at better than 60% of your total (bots on SLN are illegal and shouldn't count toward your total number of players). 

Wow you care more about the bots(Cough 1 fucking bot) then you care about one of EOSERV's Staff members Harrasing/Dos'ing/Attacking our server not that its your duty to care about what attacks go on but shit your own staff? should be pointing that at sausage but oh well.
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53024 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Sausage can only control what is within his realm. If Plasmastar were to be an unethical moderator or for whatever reason Sausage were to feel that Plasmastar being a moderator here is not in his interests then I am sure Sausage would remove his rank. As far as your packet spam, Sausage can't control Plasmastar's server spamming any more than he can control my drinking. It is your duty as a server operator to maintain prevention of attacks against your server, not the eoserv.net staff. Put up a firewall, contact your IP, report abuse to his ISP... it's your place to do that, not Sausage's.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53025 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
elevations posted: (10th Nov 2010 09:31 pm)

Apollo posted: (10th Nov 2010 08:54 pm)

I see 26 players (27 - 1 bot) vs 16 on EOSEP. Still at better than 60% of your total (bots on SLN are illegal and shouldn't count toward your total number of players). 

Wow you care more about the bots(Cough 1 fucking bot) then you care about one of EOSERV's Staff members Harrasing/Dos'ing/Attacking our server not that its your duty to care about what attacks go on but shit your own staff? should be pointing that at sausage but oh well.

IP spamming? That's called being too invasive by noticing connections/account names anyways. Does other players know you actively view their usernames and passwords? You have no right to ban me for something you secretly see, and won't reveal. You should know this is how I work, and bug abuse will continue.

Speaking of bug abuse. This has not/will not/will never ever work. "I IP BANNED THIS GUY FROM MY SERVER, NOW THE BUG IS MAGILICIOUSLY FIXED. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR". Thanks for confirming that this latest bug actually does something, for I will be abusing this the whole time you have my IP(Range)banned/firewalled.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.
Wish upon a star!
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53034 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

I think one thing here alot of you are missing is, ppl actually like eo, both in its infancy and in its custom state, the one thing main server lacked was moderation. Our custom servers are not their for any gains other than enjoying a vision that perhaps eo may have reached if it kept on going. Also coding is not all that makes a server by any means. Perhaps you forget when BU took the #1 slot when still on seose. Let those of us that enjoy or little 2d mmorpg keep enjoying it for what it means to us, not what it means to you!

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53035 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
bone posted: (11th Nov 2010 02:56 am)

I think one thing here alot of you are missing is, ppl actually like eo, both in its infancy and in its custom state, the one thing main server lacked was moderation. Our custom servers are not their for any gains other than enjoying a vision that perhaps eo may have reached if it kept on going.Also coding is not all that makes a server by any means. Perhaps you forget when BU took the #1 slot when still on seose. Let those of us that enjoy or little 2d mmorpg keep enjoying it for what it means to us, not what it means to you!

This. In the beginning, EOSERV was created as a learning experience, as a way for people to learn C++ while having fun with it. SLN turned it into a competition, which in turn, turned other servers against each other and now look at what it's done. If SLN never existed, perhaps this would have done as it was supposed to, and been a completely open project. But because of SLN and the stigma surrounding being at the top, there are competitions and attacks and who knows what else going on between servers now.
May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53037 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

I am telling you 100% personally i have never ordered an attack on any server, being at the top is attained through, creating a fun environment, with great moderation. Also through personal experience most the attacks come from the same old hackers that have been at it for years, for it is also there believed legacy.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #54418 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

I say, I go with Eosep.


(1)Fallen Evolution took the word "Pixeling", threw it in a ditch, and drown it. Their art looks like photography, and I don't like that.

(2)Fallen Evolution does, infact, have 1-2 admins on almost all the time, but do they hardly ever do anything or say anything? Not really.

(3)Is the community good? Eh, there are like maybe 20-25 of the players that don't cuss at noobs for saying hi.

(4)EoSep is greatly coded, and is very interesting and non-repetitive. 

I understand if some think otherwise, but in my opinion, Fallen Evolution went too far beyond "good" and made it all.. bleh. 


Sorry For Interrupting Your Guys' Little Argument Here. Ahar Ahar. 

Us people, we are strange, are we not? We deny all hatred, accept all love. But what lurks behind
each and every one of our temporary minds? The exact thing that we believe we hate.
14 years, 17 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server