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Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
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Post #52995 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
Apollo posted: (10th Nov 2010 06:40 pm)

bone posted: (10th Nov 2010 06:03 pm)

I find it funny how ppl can talk about FE or Eosep all day on here and no one cares, but as soon as some one mentions BU the topic is deleted or locked, the eoserv heiarchy is a joke, and this debate is pointless, much like most of the eoserv admins.

If I remember correctly, much of BU's code, like FE, was added by Addison. If you want to debate another pile of monkey crap in the mix go for it. What it boils down to is this: Sausage quit messing with EO a long time ago, and between Addison, Bart, and myself we have basically fedthebigdogson the SLN their coding for their servers. The rest of it is a pile of added in hacks and a total mess of EO graphics, custom graphics, and players that hope there is life in a dead brand. If you want to join along Ele and cry BU go for it. I have been a very fair moderatorhere,andI cantell you in the highest regard to the definition of the word "fair" that if you don't start thinking into your own client, not the original .exe but a newly coded one, then you have doomed yourself to failure. BU and FE are hanging on the coattailsofVult-r'swork. How long do you think you can really survive with cheap graphics and hacky code? 

You think your so smart don't you apollo like no one in the world has ever thought of "OH I NEED A CUSTOM CLIENT NOW" Durr everyone's been wanting custom client since EOSERV started. I know i have, its not just the new FASHION its been there since forever. Don't try to think FE's goal is just torip vult-r's work and survive. I want to show the EOSERV community that not everyone has to suck up to Rena because shes this "oh so amazing coder" shes not god. I'm sure anyone else out there would do it and before you say, why don't you do it then. Maybe i will! to prove to this community youarealljust putting people down for the sake of it for your own "I ignore people because IM COOL" gain.

Don't try to deny it everyone around here are just jerks who won't finish of any project they create i will finish mine you can go on about your EOSEP about your EOCRAP then start it, get half way done and die. And i'll be here actually having real goals for my GAME.

And anyone else can feel free to join me! and start getting real about what we want to do with EOSERV.

Because i think everyone here is just confused. What do you think this? why the hell would i be paying for this shit? why would i waste my time, my life, to hear that FE is just a emulator on EOSERV and thats all it will ever be how about you go outside get my 2 years back and realise im not fuckingaround.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #52996 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

FE is shit.. were not putting u ok maybe we r bcus it has gone to hell! dont deny bro i personally think u did good job @ first Rena is good u said u block out people but you still talk shit about them elevations your not cool i dont think u know what the word "cool" means but imo rena Will and always had the best server so dont cry like a little bitch just because ur server is dieing because rena's is back up it was always dead because we all knew rena would put her fantastic server up back up some day.. so cry about it u fucking eo nerd

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #52997 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
deathZ0 posted: (10th Nov 2010 07:33 pm)

FE is shit.. were not putting u ok maybe we r bcus it has gone to hell! dont deny bro i personally think u did good job @ first Rena is good u said u block out people but you still talk shit about them elevations your not cool i dont think u know what the word "cool" means but imo rena Will andalways had the best server so dont cry like a little bitch just because ur server is dieing because rena's is back up it was always dead because we all knew rena would put her fantastic server up back up some day.. so cry about it u fucking eo nerd

How about you grow up and stop being a "little bitch" and sucking up to Rena again. If Rena is so good why don't we all just wait and see what happens in the next 6 months and ill come back to this topic and watch you get owned.
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #52998 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
elevations posted: (10th Nov 2010 07:29 pm)

Apollo posted: (10th Nov 2010 06:40 pm)

bone posted: (10th Nov 2010 06:03 pm)

I find it funny how ppl can talk about FE or Eosep all day on here and no one cares, but as soon as some one mentions BU the topic is deleted or locked, the eoserv heiarchy is a joke, and this debate is pointless, much like most of the eoserv admins.

If I remember correctly, much of BU's code, like FE, was added by Addison. If you want to debate another pile of monkey crap in the mix go for it. What it boils down to is this: Sausage quit messing with EO a long time ago, and between Addison, Bart, and myself we have basicallyfedthebigdogson the SLN their coding for their servers. The rest of it is a pile of added in hacks and a total mess of EO graphics, custom graphics, and players that hope there is life in a dead brand. If you want to join along Ele and cry BU go for it. I have been a very fairmoderatorhere,andI cantell you in the highest regard to the definition of the word "fair" that if you don't start thinking into your own client, not the original .exe but a newly coded one, then you have doomed yourself to failure. BU and FE are hanging on thecoattailsofVult-r'swork. How long do you think you can really survive with cheap graphics and hacky code? 

You think your so smart don't you apollo like no one in the world has ever thought of "OH I NEED A CUSTOM CLIENT NOW" Durr everyone's been wanting custom client since EOSERV started. I know i have, its not just the new FASHION its been there since forever. Don't try to think FE's goal is just toripvult-r's work and survive. I want to show the EOSERV community that not everyone has to suck up to Rena because shes this "oh so amazing coder" shes not god. I'm sure anyone else out there would do it and before you say, why don't you do it then. Maybe i will! to prove to this communityyouarealljust putting people down for the sake of it for your own "I ignore people because IM COOL" gain.

Don't try to deny it everyone around here are just jerks who won't finish of any project they create i will finish mine you can go on about your EOSEP about your EOCRAP then start it, get half way done and die. And i'll be here actually having real goals for my GAME.

And anyone else can feel free to join me! and start getting real about what we want to do with EOSERV.

Because i think everyone here is just confused. What do you think this? why the hell would i be paying for this shit? why would i waste my time, my life, to hear that FE is just a emulator on EOSERV and thats all it will ever be how about you go outside get my 2 years back and realise im notfuckingaround.

I would honestly love to see you code your own client, and at which point should you produce a client that can function and surpass the original client you will most definately be praised. As for wasting your time and your money... I recall another such endeavor that certainly proves that no matter what kind of promoting you do, a product can still fail: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.T._the_Extra-Terrestrial_(video_game)
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #52999 IS

she makes sore updates then u do in 1 version and im not sucking up to her u needa stfu & get ur facts straight before you start talking UR SERVER WAS ALREADY ALWAYS DEAD. SO SUCK IT UP U WHINY LITTLE BITCH NO 1 CARES THAT YOUR SERVER IS DEAD RENA'S SERVER IS ALREADY BETTER THEN YOUR SERVER IN LIKE 1 WEEK SO GTFO and whine like a little bitch u r

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53000 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
Apollo posted: (10th Nov 2010 07:41 pm)

elevations posted: (10th Nov 2010 07:29 pm)

Apollo posted: (10th Nov 2010 06:40 pm)

bone posted: (10th Nov 2010 06:03 pm)

I find it funny how ppl can talk about FE or Eosep all day on here and no one cares, but as soon as some one mentions BU the topic is deleted or locked, the eoserv heiarchy is a joke, and this debate is pointless, much like most of the eoserv admins.

If I remember correctly, much of BU's code, like FE, was added by Addison. If you want to debate another pile of monkey crap in the mix go for it. What it boils down to is this: Sausage quit messing with EO a long time ago, and between Addison, Bart, and myself we have basicallyfedthebigdogsonthe SLN their coding for their servers. The rest of it is a pile of added in hacks and a total mess of EO graphics, custom graphics, and players that hope there is life in a dead brand. If you want to join along Ele and cry BU go for it. I have been a very fairmoderatorhere,andI cantellyou in the highest regard to the definition of the word "fair" that if you don't start thinking into your own client, not the original .exe but a newly coded one, then you have doomed yourself to failure. BU and FE are hanging on thecoattailsofVult-r'swork. Howlong do you think you can really survive with cheap graphics and hacky code? 

You think your so smart don't you apollo like no one in the world has ever thought of "OH I NEED A CUSTOM CLIENT NOW" Durr everyone's been wanting custom client since EOSERV started. I know i have, its not just the new FASHION its been there since forever. Don't try to think FE's goal is justtoripvult-r's work and survive. I want to show the EOSERV community that not everyone has to suck up to Rena because shes this "oh so amazing coder" shes not god. I'm sure anyone else out there would do it and before you say, why don't you do it then. Maybe i will! to prove to thiscommunityyouarealljust putting people down for the sake of it for your own "I ignore people because IM COOL" gain.

Don't try to deny it everyone around here are just jerks who won't finish of any project they create i will finish mine you can go on about your EOSEP about your EOCRAP then start it, get half way done and die. And i'll be here actually having real goals for my GAME.

And anyone else can feel free to join me! and start getting real about what we want to do with EOSERV.

Because i think everyone here is just confused. What do you think this? why the hell would i be paying for this shit? why would i waste my time, my life, to hear that FE is just a emulator on EOSERV and thats all it will ever be how about you go outside get my 2 years back and realise imnotfuckingaround.

I would honestly love to see you code your own client, and at which point should you produce a client that can function and surpass the original client you will most definately be praised. As for wasting your time and your money... I recall another such endeavor that certainly proves that no matterwhat kind of promoting you do, a product can still fail: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.T._the_Extra-Terrestrial_(video_game)

As long as you don't give up nothing can ever fail.

And we've all seen alot of people give up(points fingers). Not to mention where is endless edge's client? your just running on a "EOSERV EMULATOR made by sausage and a vult-r rip"?
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53001 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Lol Ur running on a Eoserv emulator and we all know u didnt "code"  your own client & yes even if u keep trying anything can fail if ppl want it to ^^

all they gotta do is leave ur poor ass server ^.~

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53002 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
deathZ0 posted: (10th Nov 2010 07:48 pm)

Lol Ur running on a Eoserv emulator and we all know u didnt "code"  your own client & yes even if u keep trying anything can fail if ppl want it to ^^

all they gotta do is leave ur poor ass server ^.~

And you just got rated -2 for your stupidity. Lol?

Not to mention i did code my fair share in features in my server shows how much you know about FE. And if people did leave my server it would be because there exactly like you. Stupid..
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53003 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

so you just called like 90% of your players stupid Lmfao thats going to bring alot of your players back. ur server sucks admit it u wont because u worked on it for so long

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53004 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Gotta comment:

Rena's server is cool, but I liked the first one though...

Fallen Evolution was cool like on 2009 spring (It was small and working community, nice admins and all)... That was the last when I play it. I have few reasons why I do not play FE but I am not going to say them here so...

Also, I hate people who just thinks they are cool because they have ''best'' server around... Like Elevations, but do not worry, I think I am going to hate EOSEP (Rena's server) too.

I like small and compact servers most :P

Thats my opinion...

Keep the fight up, maybe you can change the world with it XD

Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53005 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
deathZ0 posted: (10th Nov 2010 07:53 pm)

so you just called like 90% of your players stupid Lmfao thats going to bring alot of your players back. ur server sucks admit it u wont because u worked on it for so long

No you can clearly see i just called you stupid and any other player from FE who: Comes on here and says FE sucks and that i cry like a little bitch.

Because any of my players who did play FE wouldn't come on here and say that.. because they obviously don't want to be banned and there not stupid like you.

Meaning i called 0% of my players stupid because all of the stupid ones are already banned.
14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53006 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

I never mentioned there wouldn't be a recoded client, however I only have a limited amount of freetime. As far as using Sausage's work, well it was a given to improve upon the open source he released. To actually cast stones at my own hobby server you had better make sure your rocks are biggerthan mine. My "closed" source .exe is still the most accurate/complete server emulation release available on eoserv.net. Do you really want to go toe to toe there? Do you remember when we started these private servers about 4 months shy of 2 years ago? If so, you should also remember where yourserver ranked (btw, my server was the first 3 star server when that system was in place). There were a few of us working on beating Sausage to the release of a new working features, none of those releasing code had the username Elevations or Bone/Kylethepro.

Still want to cast stones? It is apparent to everyone that a new client is needed. This topic merits an opinionated reply. Regardless if you like it or not, if Rena does publish her client you are screwed. Don't believe that? Look at the SLN and compare players. Btw, she is using no custom EOgfx client and still doing quite well.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53007 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
Apollo posted: (10th Nov 2010 08:05 pm)

I never mentioned there wouldn't be a recoded client, however I only have a limited amount of freetime. As far as using Sausage's work, well it was a given to improve upon the open source he released. To actually cast stones at my own hobby server you had better make sure your rocks arebiggerthan mine. My "closed" source .exe is still the most accurate/complete server emulation release available on eoserv.net. Do you really want to go toe to toe there? Do you remember when we started these private servers about 4 months shy of 2 years ago? If so, you should also remember whereyourserver ranked (btw, my server was the first 3 star server when that system was in place). There were a few of us working on beating Sausage to the release of a new working features, none of those releasing code had the username Elevations or Bone/Kylethepro.

Still want to cast stones? It is apparent to everyone that a new client is needed. This topic merits an opinionated reply. Regardless if you like it or not, if Rena does publish her client you are screwed. Don't believe that? Look at the SLN and compare players. Btw, she is using no custom EOgfxclient and still doing quite well.

Excuses, Excuses i'd like to see you say that when EOSEP is over before you know it.

I'm on the SLN right now comparing players i saw a entire server full of admins doing better then rena's.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53008 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

haha i wanna see apolo come out with his custome client 2 people will be beating ele's ass

14 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #53009 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

What is even more amusing than a client with no custom gfx on Rena's server with at least 50% of the player count of FE is the server above it with worse custom gfx that originally started beating FE running obsolete Seose software. I'm not the one making excuses. You should seriously consider the possibility that you are not right and figure out how you are going to keep players interested should Rena go through with making her own client. Being a crybaby here because you don't like the opinions voiced will not save your cause.

14 years, 19 weeks ago
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