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Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
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Post #38875 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
Rena posted: (9th Jun 2010 12:11 am)

Mackdude posted: (8th Jun 2010 09:31 pm)

microchip posted: (8th Jun 2010 12:03 am)

I know for fact! That Renas server is still being made, Actually my best friend is Renas Mapper, Renas Arena is basically a small test server, As she only has one map.

Oh, so she puts it on every now and then?

Yep, so far developments been slow due to exams and work.
Next week when Azathoia finishes his final exams he'll be able to get back to work on his quests.

The first public release will just be the starting island (About 20 maps) along with a tutorial quest and a bunch of side quests.

I don't plan on having the excessive leveling again, however there will be plenty of rewards and new powers at each level ;)

Now for some EOSEP features ;) (Btw, EOSEP = Endless  Online Server Emulation Project = My Server :P)

Dynamic NPC Scripted Engine
 - You can update your npc AI without rebooting the server

Dynamic Quest Scripted Engine
 - You can write quests, attach them to npcs and update them without rebooting the server

Scripted Spell Engine
 - Makes spells to do more interesting things, like short range teleporting or area of effect damage.

Scripted Buff Engine
 - Allows for special magic effects to remain on the player for a short time, such as increased defence or health regeneration.

NPC Spell System
 - Npcs can cast spells

Pet System
 - Pets will follow your commands, attack other npcs and help in PK. They can also cast healing spells on you and pick up items. Pets stats increase with each point in CHA.

Random Dungeon Generator
 - Builds a random dungeon including npcs and traps using a selection of prebuilt "maze parts"

Advanced Title System
 - Lets you save upto 5 titles and change them at will. Titles will be quest rewards.

Balanced Exp System
 - Only monsters whoses level's are near yours will actually give decent exp. This is to stop people power training friends or ksing low level players.

Anti-hack System
 - Prevents many popular hacks such as speed and ghost.

And lots of other little things ;)

Hopefully this'll be playable very very soon (Just waiting on Lazythoia >.<).

Yeah, Is Azurius"Rick" your mapper?.

Also I've been hearing your going to give out you emulator, Is this even true, I also think FE Is Going back where it came from among every other server.

Isn't the Arena basically a test server type thing..
and If i log into the server now using old IP is that what ill be seeing when the server is done...?

I might actually play EOSEP when it's out.

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #38884 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Wow rena seriously your server is gonna kick ass once again!

Is it actually true your going to release the emulator? :o

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #38903 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Yep Azurius is a member of my mapping team.

EOSEP is only going to be released to specific groups that can prove they're dedicated at making their own game out of it.

So far the only one with access to EOSEP and updates is Knight with his project Atlas.

Current confirmed staff:


Head Mod; Rena

Guardians; Plasmastar, Wizardcain

Light Guides; Alomar (If he's still interested)


Head Mapper/Artist; Azathoia

Mappers; Azurius

Artists; None

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #38907 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

eosep i get on fe just to chat with friends but eosep fucking rocks scott sucks at helping players on fe if he "trys"

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #38910 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
skulled posted: (9th Jun 2010 04:39 am)

eosep i get on fe just to chat with friends but eosep fucking rocks scott sucks at helping players on fe if he "trys"

Who says I try? I don't help anyone on there.
14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #38923 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
Rena posted: (9th Jun 2010 03:28 am)

Yep Azurius is a member of my mapping team.

EOSEP is only going to be released to specific groups that can prove they're dedicated at making their own game out of it.

So far the only one with access to EOSEP and updates is Knight with his project Atlas.

Okay, so how can we prove it?
14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #38926 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

prove what? she said there will be a public release with a few maps for testing.

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #38930 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Ok first of all:

Rena is probobly the best server coder i've seen here on eo history hahah. The only reason i didnt play the old eosep was because you just spawned up any armor/weapon you wanted. and that drove me nuts.

And oh my god, that new server emulator of yours looks like it'll rock FE's socks off, put them back on, and rock them off again.

I would love to get my hands on your emulator, but i dont intend to use most anything on there, except for maybe the Npcs using spells. I just hope my simple & unique server will stretch up to be as awsome as yours will. amazing, just amazing!

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #38931 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

I shall investigate EOSERV, Kalandra and hopefully EOSEP on how the server handle the data. Then when I really understand how everything works I'll try and make my own emulator ;D! I know at this moment I can also investigate EOSERV or Kalandra but as they are writen in different Coding languages.Its always better to view the difference between the Emulators.

I think there shouldn't be any battles or whatever you call it between servers. Aslong as you have fun in playing them thats the most important thing. Leave everybody as they are and respect each other like you would be respected yourself. Aslong as you are enjoying coding/pixeling/playing/mappingthen the difference between servers shouldn't matter.

"Pineapples and shit."
14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #39062 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
Rena posted: (9th Jun 2010 12:11 am)

Mackdude posted: (8th Jun 2010 09:31 pm)

microchip posted: (8th Jun 2010 12:03 am)

I know for fact! That Renas server is still being made, Actually my best friend is Renas Mapper, Renas Arena is basically a small test server, As she only has one map.

Oh, so she puts it on every now and then?

Yep, so far developments been slow due to exams and work.
Next week when Azathoia finishes his final exams he'll be able to get back to work on his quests.

The first public release will just be the starting island (About 20 maps) along with a tutorial quest and a bunch of side quests.

I don't plan on having the excessive leveling again, however there will be plenty of rewards and new powers at each level ;)

Now for some EOSEP features ;) (Btw, EOSEP = Endless  Online Server Emulation Project = My Server :P)

Dynamic NPC Scripted Engine
 - You can update your npc AI without rebooting the server

Dynamic Quest Scripted Engine
 - You can write quests, attach them to npcs and update them without rebooting the server

Scripted Spell Engine
 - Makes spells to do more interesting things, like short range teleporting or area of effect damage.

Scripted Buff Engine
 - Allows for special magic effects to remain on the player for a short time, such as increased defence or health regeneration.

NPC Spell System
 - Npcs can cast spells

Pet System
 - Pets will follow your commands, attack other npcs and help in PK. They can also cast healing spells on you and pick up items. Pets stats increase with each point in CHA.

Random Dungeon Generator
 - Builds a random dungeon including npcs and traps using a selection of prebuilt "maze parts"

Advanced Title System
 - Lets you save upto 5 titles and change them at will. Titles will be quest rewards.

Balanced Exp System
 - Only monsters whoses level's are near yours will actually give decent exp. This is to stop people power training friends or ksing low level players.

Anti-hack System
 - Prevents many popular hacks such as speed and ghost.

And lots of other little things ;)

Hopefully this'll be playable very very soon (Just waiting on Lazythoia >.<).

Ahh! Can't wait to try out your server when you put it on :D
EOServ Class: Main Player, Mapping Artist, Oldbie
14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #39193 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

So Rena as I asked before, Is it true you're giving out your emulator?

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #39259 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server
microchip posted: (10th Jun 2010 08:05 pm)

So Rena as I asked before, Is it true you're giving out your emulator?

Rena stated above: EOSEP is only going to be released to specific groups that can prove they're dedicated at making their own game out of it.

-- In my own opinion, I agree that Rena should only release her emulator to certain people; there should be one or two servers have atleast 50 players instead of 50 servers with 1-2 people.

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #39260 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

i conquer with felorin because it would be a waste if you guys only had 2 players on it.

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #39262 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

Yeah, I'm bout done my server, I'll be up there.

So I'm working extra hard, so I can get that emulator, I would love that.

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #39289 Re: Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server

In my opinion i prefer EOSEP. It has good base structure and was the first Private server I played. It had a great community and alot of custom features aimed at the players

rather than the Admins that the Main Server didnt have. I used to play FE and while back and i thought it was pretty good, Good pixels, Okay Admins nad Nice, But bizzare maps, However i quit it for good when my account got hacked, whoever did hack it took all my stuff, and started scamming people and I got the blame. So yeah EOSEP FTW

14 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Fallen Evolution vs Rena's Server